Saturday, March 07, 2009

A birthday and a donated quilt....

Started my daughter's birthday "week" celebrations yesterday, she passed one small rite of passage and had her ears pierced....hopefully we will again get her to wash her hair in the not -too-distant-future....but right now she is being very pedantic about ear care! She has been wearing her hair in a ponytail to highlight the ears. My sister took a pic of us this afternoon when she came for cake-you don't see many of me so make the most of it!! I prefer being behind the camera.

I love making a fuss of my kids' birthdays (there are a dozen little girls due any day for a pool party..sorry, should probably say young ladies, but they really ARE just little girls!!) But I would have to say the height of enjoyment of this milestone came after my sister and Mum had left and we were jumping on the trampoline, "you know what Mum, I was jumping before and I thought, I really love my life" I said that was what all Mum's wanted to hear and she said, "yeah, I'm pleased i didn't die when i was sick all that time!!" So am I!!

I hardly dare mention that it has been six months since the last serious bout of her irritable bowel/migraine trouble, she seems to be okay as long as she is well rested so we are hopeful that that particular 2 year phase is over. A very joyful lady informed me the other day that it will probably come back really bad when puberty hits.....that lady is extremely fortunate she isn't buried in my backyard!!! Nothing like looking on the bright side!

Speaking of looking on the bright side, I had some finished quilts dropped into me this week, more information and pictures will follow, but this one I just have to share.

This has been donated to the fire effort from a lady in the blue mountains. It is stunning!! And hand quilted as well. My job was to find it a suitable home and it has left already, it has gone to wrap a lady in love who lost the majority of her family in the recent fires. I had a contact for her and thought this appropriate as it seems a little like the light shining in the darkness.

I have received a huge amount of blocks this week, people have been very supportive and I am getting ready to start sorting and sewing. I am going to show you them all, but it takes me a while to get them all in order for you...especially after Tuesday......

Tuesday was almost hurricane like a tinder dry state! Not as hot as the very bad bushfire day a month ago, but windier! They closed almost 200 schools and closed down the Govt. bus service. i took mine to school in town as they were safer there. Before they went they had to tell me a few things for me to collect if I went anywhere. My girl was her quilts, Hannah montana doll and her cat!! The boy was his motorbike. I packed up my photo albums and everybody's donated blocks!!!! There was no way I was losing them.
I trotted off to Church ladies coffee in the afternoon with the backseat filled with everyone's most precious stuff. Interesting exercise that, when it comes down to it...what really matters but your family? Must admit i would have been a bit sad to see the stash go-but there was no way that was fitting in the car!
Needless to say we got through that just fine, but as you can see, everything got packed in in a hurry and some of my elaborate "ownership" system may have gone astray-but I will do my best. Since then there would be at least 2 or 3 more bags as big as that front one -full of blocks, tops and fabric.....a great effort!
Aside from turning 20 kilos each of zucchinis, plums and apples into pickles, and sauce this week, i also made this little quilt for a friend's baby.
Which brings me to the fact I have nearly done enough for the week, so off to bed I go.
But I didn't forget my competition winner, the kids drew out nancy in philadelphia as the Tag galaxy winner, I have a funny feeling a few of my Bible verse and quilting cards will suit Nancy, so well done! And the "Belladonna quilt group~beating the recession one recycled quilt at a time" idea? I am seriously considering starting that up as a forum for sharing your recycled efforts-stay tuned!
Have a great day


  1. Lovely young lady in her beautifully pierced ears and the smiles on your faces says it all. Gratitudes and blessings abound for all of you, for motherly love, for healthy times and for your own, loving and giving community spirit!Finn and I started 'Frugal Fridays' only sewing from scraps and donations as a way to beat the recession....but too many only want the shiny, fancy new fabrics to feed their inner missings and expressings. We all have to learn one day at a time to have more inside by doing more outside and it doesn't have to involve shopping! When I read your posts here, have the true spirit of caring for our families and our communities and those in need...the spirit the world needs to have, feel the love and the loving. Bless you and keep us posted on everything!

  2. I can only echo what Michele has already said - you do good, girl!! I applaud the "Lady in the Blue Mountains"! Stunning is the word alright, breath taking is another. I can envision this quilt wrapped around the woman who is to receive it, comforting her. I think she too will be stunned by not only it's beauty, but the desire to comfort that comes from the giving of it. Ooh...gotta go have a bit of a cry now, lol, such a sweet story. I'm glad you are all well and happy.


  3. What a gorgeous photo of you and your girl! Glad she wanted the 'kitten' saved, would of made for an interesting evacuation!!

  4. Happy Birthday to your girl :-)

  5. What an absolutely fabulously happy fun photograph of the two of you. I can almost hear the giggles. She looks fabulous with her ears pierced, very becoming! Happy Birthday and I wholeheartily agree with celebrating a week of it.

  6. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter. Its so nice to have some mother, daughter time.
    That quilt. WOW WOW WOW It is gorgeous. The person that get that will be thrilled.

  7. Seems as if you have your eye on some good fertiliser, to plant capsicums or onions in. Now to the Happy Birthday photo lovely just lovely.

  8. Oh, I think your daughter takes after her mum! What a lovely photo of the two of you! And that woman who said your daughter's illness will come back or get worse at puberty? Well, my daughter didn't have stomach problems but she DID have migraines when she was a kid. The doctor told us they usually GO AWAY at puberty, and sure enough--hers did! So don't believe everything you hear--it may be true, but it might not!

  9. Nice to see a picture of you and your daughter! And it's such a joy filled photo.

    What a gorgeous quilt!

  10. Oh, how lovely to have won your prize! I'm SO delighted! I have long admired your quilts and cow cards and and quilts and chooks cards -- you have such talent and such an eye! Thank your wonderful children for drawing my name!!!!

  11. oh happy birthday week to your daughter-fabulous photo.

  12. You certainly have had more than your share of the nasty weather down there! Glad to hear you are all well. Beautiful donation quilt--and hand quilted! Such generousity! I remember when my daughters got their ears pierced. Monumental!

  13. Great picture of you two!!! Tell her happy birthday from my family. :) I am so happy for you both that her stomach is acting as it should.

  14. Tracey - that is a wonderful pic of you and your daughter. You need to blow it up and frame it!

  15. Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl. Love the earrings and I don't blame her for wanting to show them off. Great photo of the two of you too. About time we saw you on the lens side of the camera Tracey.

    I'm so glad that the "illness" seems to have passed for now. I think that woman should be thanking her lucky stars that she didn't end up six feet under.Who knows how your daughters body will change in the coming years. she may never have another day of that particular kind of illness again and I certainly hope that it is well and truly behind her.

    As for that quilt from the lady in the Blue Mountains. Simply stunning and how right it was that you sent it to someone who has lost so much.

    Good to hear that everyone is well and safe after that horrible weather. I don't think we got it quite as bad but it was still scary.

  16. Happy birthday!!! And I love the donated quilt - very, very pretty!

  17. There you are!!
    How lovely to put a face to your name!
    You go rock!!
    Keep doing all that you do.
    Robyn xx

  18. Great photo of you with your gorgeous gal. She sounds really happy - well done Mum!

    Love Joshua's quilt too.

    Well done Tracey on all your efforts!


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