Sunday, February 22, 2009

More blocks...of chocolate!!

George Clooney....chocolate!!

Harrison Ford....chocolate!!

Past Essendon footballers, Tim Watson and James Hird...chocolate!

All these yummy blocks...of chocolate!!

Well, they may not all be exactly chocolate in colour, but there is a definite glass and a half of cream in there somewhere-and so yummy to look at (and fortunately calorie free!)

The latest blocks came on Friday,

Especially love those stars Libby!! How clever are you!I've just spent 2 years handpiecing one of those! I think Libby had a link on her blog for where she got the instructions for machine piecing those.

Ann j in France sent a block and Lynn sent me lots of plaid blocks.

The "Club Quilt" girls from Narromine have been busy!! Peg at Happy in Quilting is part of that group and they have been very generous.

Here are Peg's .


Jan, Cath, Carolyn, Vaness and Jo's.

A huge thank you to everyone. We have a microwave mail box and it is quite fun watching these all spill out when I open the door! DH just shakes his head-another thing to add to his book of mysterious things women do.

Spotlight had $40 off if you spent $100 yesterday, so I got a fair bit more wadding-nice to feel organized!

Have a good day, Tracey


  1. wow you are going well with the blocks..........plenty to quilt now........
    one questions if DH doesn't know you have a blog .....what does he think - how do people know to send you the

  2. Wow, your collection is growing fast. You'll be able to put together some beautiful quilts.
    A microwave mailbox?

  3. Terrific! Hopefully mine will be arriving soon. I'm guessing you have a BIG mailbox then.

  4. Glad the blocks arrived safely . . . . it's fun seeing the collection grow and grow. Can hardly wait to see the quilts that come from them *s*

  5. I have some blocks I would love to mail to you--my email is Any ideas out there on postage from the US? I think it is soooo cool that everyone is pitching to give.

  6. Tracey - I'm so so sorry, but I'm going to have to pull out. I can't get the blocks to you quick enough. I've got far too much going on here at the moment. So so sorry.



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