Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fabulous Taggalaxy site.... and a prize?

Now I have found some cool things on the Internet, but this just about takes the cake!!
It is a site called and when you go there you will be confronted with a black page, with a grey section asking you to "Enter intial tag". If you are there for a few seconds, some suggested tags may appear, could be Australia, cars, etc etc. We, as a species, enter "quilting" in that spot!!
A big orange planet looking thing appears, (like a Star Wars intro!) with quilting as it planet title. You can click on this to make it bigger and to choose actions. The general excitement is that this planet is soon covered with tiles, that become quilt pictures, all via Flickr. You can just look on in awe (and get excited if any of the 42000 are yours!!) Or you can click on them to get more info. about the quilt photo and even where to find it!!!!!
I have only had a brief look but can see it is an absolutely brilliant resource.
I have still 3 prizes i am about to mail out, I may as well make it 4 or 5 going in the post, especially when the blog world is being so generous with the fire blocks SO When you visit it come back and tell me what you thought...and if you found any quilts you knew! Entries close when i next get around to posting, have fun!!


  1. Is that perhaps not THE best site EVER?!?!?!? I have a horerible feeling I am about to lose even more hours to this computer screen ;-)

  2. This is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for sharing it!

  3. Tracey,
    Thank you for sharing the amazing site. The first quilt that I clicked on was a fire quilt.....I have a feeling that I might spend too much time visiting the quilty planet.
    Hugs, Barb

  4. Wow, I could spend days and days over there. Love that site...

  5. It was great to have a look here. Thanks for sharing it :-)

  6. Wow, that is so cool! Now I have yet another time sucking website to visit! LOL.

    I looked at lots of quilts, and yes, I saw quite a few that I recognized. Several from one of the flickr groups collecting tops and blocks for fire victims in Australia that I recognized.

  7. WOW! That was really neat! I love being able to spin the globe and click on anything that catches my eye. Thanks for sharing.

  8. The words from a song "What a Wonderful World It Would Be" came to mind when I checked it out. Thank you for bring the site to my attention. I tried quilting and embroidery and did find some sites that I new about. Amazing.

  9. Wow--fun fun fun. I saw many quilts I shall have to revisit--but loved a delectable mountains in bright and dark reds. Love that pattern. Also some wonderful applique and word quilts!

  10. A world made of quilts..I'm in heaven! very cool site

  11. WOW...this is incredible. Almost weird!

  12. oh wow I realy think I could spend way to much time looking [drooling ]over the amazing quilts on this site
    thank you so much for this
    hugs Beth

  13. Your energy amazes me. And the whizzy thing is alright if you keep your eyes shut for the first part. Especially if you have vertigo. LOL

  14. That is so cool. I saw quilts I recognised from a blog I read regularly!

  15. Excellent site! I enjoyed seeing all those photos at once--it kind of sparked some new ideas!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!