Sunday, February 15, 2009

A fabulous community!

Feeling very big on community at the moment. You don't often realise just how big a part of your life your community is...until they are needed for something! I am completely amazed by the support of the online quilting community towards the block project for fire victim quilts. we should be able to cover many people with the online love..... Your kindness, support and encouragement is almost overwhelming. Thank you! I will ensure you all get to share the fun of seeing the many blocks that are due to magically appear here shortly and you will be kept a part of the entire operation as we get going.

I have been flat out replying to emails, contact me again if I have perhaps missed you-I wonder if my husband would consider me having a secretary an outlandish suggestion!!! (I somehow think he would!)

The other community groups I am a part of are also busy (or are going to be!) as well. The School community is busy donating for the local fire victims, my local quilting friend community who I have started approaching about a patchwork and quilting bee to put the donated blocks together, and the Church Community, where I have spent a fair bit of the weekend as I was on this year's Harvest Thanks committee. Organizing the bones of the display is done by a different lot of Church families every year, comes around about every 8 years. The committee does the general stuff on the Saturday, then the Church people add all their donations on the Sunday morning.

This year we were generally just giving thanks for things important to our families..not just a harvest as such. I got a few pictures for you...lots of quilts!

Thanks for computers and sewing machines and quilts...looks like quilt blogger heaven!...with blood plums thrown in!

The fire fighter overalls got pride of place! The motorbike took some getting in!

The view from the top....

Very squashy for the children's address....and we have a LOT of children!

And, yes, the blue cage even had a chook and 9 chicks...guess who supplied them!

We then sell all the donations at a trading table on the lawn, made $440 this year to share between charities...a great effort for our little Church in the paddock.

Better get some beauty I need it desperately !!

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. So glad many folks will be comforted with a new quilt. You're terrific for making this happen.

  2. Hi Tracey - this looks WONDERFUL! And what a great cause. I dropped my blocks off at the post office - should be there within 7-10 days - so hopefully you will get them in time. Have a great day!

  3. What truly lovely displays and a beautiful church backdrop. And how heartwarming in all ways. I am so delighted that so many quilters are pitching in. I had LOTS of emails after I posted about yoru block request and believe many will follow through. My block is done and will be on its way Monday, and I'm hoping many others are doing the same. All over blogland, there are many, many such quilting bees for Australian fire relief going. It is just wonderful and please know we are ALL sending so many hugs and prayers for ALL of you!
    With Heart and Hands Michele Salem Oregon USA

  4. What a wonderful display in the church and how wonderful that so many are supporting the bushfire victims. Love the thought of the chook and chickens clucking away quietly during the church service. Beautiful church too by the way - those stained glass windows are amazing.

  5. You did some really good job. It is freakin amazing.

    online quilting community


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