Friday, November 21, 2008

A finish and a flower show

I am freezing...and very hopeful that this weekend may see an addition to the paltry 3/4 of an inch of rain we have had all spring. It may hurt the cut grass hay a tad, but it may save any more crop from being mown for hay rather than harvvested for seed in the coming months.
While it is very dry in this part of Australia, Queensland has seen more than 10 inches in a few days in some areas, terrible storm damage and hail as big as cricket balls, even in central Australia.

I am freezing because I have been playing semi midnight cowboy...or girl!

I WAS meant to be at the School PTFA end of year break up and AGM, instead I was facing off to a mental mamma cow who did not understand that the the two suspicious looking people (with rope and a calf puller hidden behind their backs) were friends rather than foes! She had a red hot go at the ute (truck) I was in, so when it was just me and her in the laneway I was quick to give her right of way! Never mess with a female in the throes of DH learnt that!

My poor family are going to be eating the egg salad and rocky road that were meant for the bbq all weekend. They aren't complaining about the rocky road.....

Something else unappreciated was the suggestion I made to my husband as he was standing on haybales trying to rope the cow as I ran her past; the suggestion that I really should have bought my camera as the great light, stormy sky and lassoo action would have made great shots....For future reference...let's just say that a farmer who has been cutting hay around the clock and has to stop to spend a few hours chasing a cow that loosely is the responsibility of his wife does not appreciate the need for my blog readers to be in on the action!!!

But, onto sewing. Yes, there has been some!

If this quilt were a house you would call it overcapitalised. It was an order for a baby blanket and of course I could have just used the panel and the name. But when you want something to be special and treasured it doesn't matter who is getting it, it still has to be as good as possible. So it got Murray grey appliqued cows and the property name embroidered on as well. It also managed to be finished a whole 8 minutes before the girl turned up to pick it up so, unlike my DH doing his cowboy impersonation, you got a picture.

It has a great matching farm flanelette backing so it's cosy.

A week or two ago when I held the Church morning coffee we had a bloom and succulent show as well. I snapped a few shots of my favourites to share.

1st. Iris

2nd Jacobean lily

some kind of succulent!! a distance

..and up close

An amaryllis

A rose whose name escapes me...but by any name would smell as sweet!

And one of my great new mauve oriental poppies that have come from crossing a red fuzzy with a pink single. The heat and wind fried them all nearly overnight but I managed to get this one.

The rain is coming down, I wont mind if it keeps me awake on the tin roof all night...have a great day, Tracey


  1. I am amazed that your boy wasn't considering your blog needs in that situation! ;-)

  2. just trying to picture the light, stormy sky, lassoo, haybales.......tell dh that it would have been easier if he just let you take the picture.......goodluck with the rain.......getting another quick shower here now.........going to be much cooler here today........

  3. Thanks, I've had my morning chuckle now. I can almost picture it.
    We're still waiting for some rain but don't want the destruction that others are suffering.
    Your photos are beautiful, I really need a camera that can take such close-ups.

  4. Beautiful flower pics! I do wish you'd had your camera for the lassoo/storm pics!

  5. Hope you're getting it up the road, because it's rained nearly all night here. And here we are in November and the fire is on !

  6. A bit on the cool side here too. Hopefully some more rain. The flowers are such a nice splash of colour to an overcast day :)

  7. Awww poor DH didn't want his photo taken....vbg. Actually I don't think I even had to be there to be able to imagine the look on his face....roflmol. Well done on getting the quilt finished - it's lovely. As for the flower photos - stunning. Hope you have a bit more rain. It's coming down in bits and pieces here - but at least it's rain and the dam and tanks are filling.

  8. LOL Priceless, I can just hear the words! I know what my hunney would have said. LOL
    You don't need pictures, your descriptions of the events say it all.
    Your flower images are beautiful as always and a great finish on that quilt.
    Hope you get all the rain you need.

  9. I hope you get your rain! The baby quilt is lovely, sure to be treasured!

    And wow, those flower shots are awesome! I loved the Iris and the oriental poppy.

  10. hoping you get the rain you need soon we were forcast rain yesterday it spat about 5 drops then stopped !! the grass looks as if we are in summer already hope its not going to be a bad fire season!!

  11. I adore poppies!!!
    Beautiful photos as always Tracey...very inspring :D


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