Sunday, September 14, 2008

The best laid plans....

Now Tracey...what should rule #1 be? You should know by now....never make plans!!

Guess where I was going today? I was taking my girl to the city on a bus trip to see 'Wicked', the musical-it was a big treat to make up for another dicey year with her, she really cannot take a trick!-(between fish tank accidents and gastro and her semi-recurrent tummy pains.) And am I just getting home, exhausted? Well the exhausted may be right but that is only from trying to get her temperature down from 42 degrees!! She got the awful f'lu on Friday and has been miserable ever since-so Wicked tickets were the least of our worries.

I think she may be slightly improving, didn't seem quite so hot today but the best she could still do was lie on the couch and watch new DVD seasons of The Brady Bunch and Mork and Mindy (there are worse fates!)

Meanwhile this did mean that I got to dash over to my neighbors this afternoon for cake for my Godson's 5th birthday. I voided out the cake by riding my bike the couple of kilometres each way.

Do you remember Joshua? Last year he was the worthy recipient of this;

His much loved quilt.
Today when i arrived and he saw fabric in my bag he said, "more quilt!!!
Well, not quite, just a treasure bag filled with treasure.
He is just as cute as last year!Here he is showing you his bag.

I have also finished and mailed off my bag swap bag, hopefully it will be liked, it is such a tricky thing making craft for someone you don't know. I have taken pics but can only show when it arrives, it is a little too personalised to be general.
Better get off to bed in case I am up again in an hour! Have a great day, Tracey


  1. He sure is a cute little guy!!! :) Love the quilt and the bag, he seems to LOVE both!

  2. hope she is rapidly improving..........

  3. First off so sorry about your daughter, poor little kidlet. I hope she's on the improve right now. As for your godson with the quilt, could he look any more pleased? LOL It really makes it all worthwhile doesn't it when something you've made is as loved as that.

  4. I am so sorry your daughter hasn't been feeling well. I'm sending her some hugs and hope she feels better soon!
    Cute Godson!!!

  5. How disappointed for your daughter that she had to miss her day out. Hope she is feeling a lot better now. I know it hit my house a few weeks ago and is vicious.
    Love the bag, he is a cutie!!

  6. Tracey
    its a shame we can't 'trade in' these kids, my kids have these incidents as well (last year my eldest one got hit by a car, and got braces the next day, not the best week for him... oh and it was his birthday that week too, definately a week he wont forget)

    the bag is so cute! and so's the little fella..

  7. What a sweet little boy! I'm sure he loves his tractor bag.

    I hope you daughter improves quickly...fevers are no fun at all (for either of you!)

  8. Joshua looks quite happy with his spoils *s* Hope your girl is up and about soon . . . darn the bad luck about Wicked.

  9. Sorry that you missed Wicked, but I do hope that your little one is doing better. She has had quite a year.

    Joshua is darling and looks as though he appreciated his gift - AGAIN!

  10. Hope your daughter feels better soon.
    Cute little guy. "More quilt!!" Like we can just churn them out LOL. I'm sure he loved his gorgeous bag.

  11. He is a sweetie!! Love the bag you made him.

    I do hope that your daughter is feeling better by the minute.


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