Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Quilt retreat report. Part 1

I am back, and just organized...and rested...enough to post some photos from the weekend.
It was a cold and rough weekend, just perfect for sewing in front of the fire with beautiful views of a very rough ocean.
A few views for you.

This used to be a place for eating-but that became more a job for the couches. Table space is in high demand with 8 sewers.

The lounge area, all the window views are ocean on a grey day.

Another work area, it did have couches until they were relocated or put in my bedroom. They were replaced with my big fold out table. The floor was the design board. The only trouble was the fact i couldn't sew and see the Olympics from my position on the black chair, I had to listen and bob up when exciting stuff was on!

I have a big array of show and tell pictures, they will have to come in installments. Here are a few.....

Anne's Roman Holiday.

Jane's table runner.

Jane's appliqued bugs.

And, in the 25 plus hours I spent sewing, this is my main achievement. It was SO windy and rough trying to get a good picture!

I Used the different backings like I had thought I might so one foundation block was quite a thick cotton quilt (from the op shop for a few dollars) and the other foundation was an old woollen blanket, same boutique, similar price. You can see the two backings in the pic below.
The fabric was a set of fat quarters I think I got on sale last year, from the Dominique range. At this stage the 2 metre plus quilt has only cost me about $60. You can't see any difference at all in the quilts thickness when it is on the bed-and it has pased the sleeping test the last 2 nights. So I would give that experiment the thumbs up to anyone who has the same problem.
Have a great day, Olympics to watch and people to feed! Cheers, Tracey


  1. Looks like you had a great weekend. Where abouts was it? Love all the sewing you did.

  2. a great weekend..........just to finish off the birthday

  3. Hi Tracey,
    Lucky you to getaway.
    Lovely quilts.
    Hope you are not all frozen solid down there.
    Pity the weather at the beach was poor. It looks a lovely spot and view great for a getaway.
    Happy Birthday for last week.
    Kind regards from Liz

  4. Hello Tracey, I have just named you on my blog for a blogger award. If you would like to receive it please visit my blog for details. Regards Lyn

  5. I'm so glad you had fun!!! Love the views!!!

  6. What a fabulous time it looks like you've had.

  7. Looks like you had heaps of fun. Who cares about the weather when you can sew...vbg. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the photos.

  8. What a great way to spend a rough and woolly weekend! GLad the two foundations solution worked!

  9. Wow! What a great weekend and of course that venue is amazing. You were all very productive .... well done. I'll be looking out for Part 2 of your report ....

  10. It sounds like a wonderful time. The quilt you made reminds me of the one I made for my swap.

  11. That is a really cool idea to do the 2 different thicknesses! I think normally I end up stealing the blanket from hubby, and then there are mornings where I wake up and am cold, even though the temperature hasn't changed in the house and I still have the same blanket!

  12. LOVE the bugs quilt - very cute! Your strings look great too, glad it passed the sleeping test.

  13. What a great weekend you had. All of the projects are beautiful!


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