Monday, August 04, 2008

Favourite week of my year

My internet has been out, my camera batteries have been dodgy and so a little blogging break has occurred.
I can't say I have a lot of sewing to show though. I had my rally Day for Church Ladies, my nephew's all day birthday and a couple of committee responsibilities and the week has disappeared.

This did get completed.......

I was a few days late sending time I will print off the swapper's name prior to mailing day-because then I couldn't access my internet! A small aside here, my Dh doesn't often notice what i am working on, but i was in the living room due to the freezing weather and he asked about it, I said it was an international swap. He said, "boy, the person who did the middle must sure like gold." I said, 'well, that would be me'!!

I attempted to explain it represented the Australian colours...the light, the ground, the water.....and that will probably be the sum total of patchwork discussions in our house for the year!

Here's a snap of my bodyguards when i did work over in my sewing room. I can sneak out the front of the house and they always end up there within minutes, Archie the dog without fail. If it is raining he has dug a path under the room and he sleeps under my feet at the machine.

I forgot to say it is the best week of my year this week; I have my quilting retreat this coming weekend, down in Port fairy, same house as last year, -
Nothing like the sound and view of a winter beach for patchwork inspiration. As usual I have about 10 things I want to get done, the aim is to get back on the sewing track.
It's also birthday week. Seems to have started already, gotta love the birthday lasting all week. (Though my Mum told me it is all down hill from 40 and I will only be one year away!)
A friend took me out last night to the big fashion parade held here every year, my DH bought me ear-rings in Queensland (and handed them to me straight away in the plastic bag.....but anyone who has been reading since last year will acknowledge he gets a lot of credit for trying!!) and my dad called on his way through today and gave me an interesting necklace and bracelet from them. I have never worn orange, shall be interested to see how that goes. The only trouble with early presents is that I may have run out of birthday by the time Thursday gets here!!!
Speaking of jewellry, I picked up a piece for myself today at the big farmer's expo type thing that is on here at the moment. I was working on the theory my MIL will get me to get myself something! Here's a peek-
It is a brooch or scarf pin, I have assured my sister I wont necessarily wear it up the main street of her town all the time, but I will definitely wear it! I love old sewing machines.
So, other than the fact I have to make a 300 km round trip to get my son's missing filling seen to by a dentist tomorrow, life is great. Hope yours is as well, see you soon, Tracey


  1. What a fabulous place for a retreat. I'm so jealous as I love the sound of a winter beach.

    love and hugs gina xxx

  2. The retreat sounds divine - lucky you. I have a brooch very similar to that by the same person as yours as it happens. DH bought it for me for Mothers Day. I wear it on my winter jacket all the time and get heaps of compliments. Love your brooch - it's the sewing machine that did it for me...vbg.

    Happy Birthday for Thursday. Hope it's a wonderful day.

  3. The retreat sounds lovely. I went to Port Fairy in January this year and it was gorgeous! The bakery there is just divine. You have to try the jam donuts :0)

  4. I'm bound to forget, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Thursday.. Gorgeous broach Tracey, and ohhhh a retreat and at such a perfect spot. Hmm I'd forgotten about jam

  5. That husband story was SOOOooooo funny...and familiar. Will be thinking of you in Port Fairy this weekend. That is one of our fav spots for family holidays.

  6. Have a great time at your retreat . . . . nothing like good quilting time to refresh a girl *s*

  7. Happy birthday Tracey - enjoy the retreat you lucky duck!!

  8. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday for tomorrow! Have a great weekend, hope it's not too cold!!

  9. Tracey,
    I received the quilt you sent me. It is beautiful. Thank you so much - it is very cheery. No worries about the timing - I was late in sending mine as well.


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