Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer swap quilt.

Thankfully, my daughter doesn't think this one is a stegosaurus!
Here is a larger view of the Summer four season's swap quilt so far. It is ready to baste, quilt and send.
I know there are a few photos of it today, but I liked the different way it looked in my favourite type of light- a rare change from th erain we have been having, but SO cold!

Enjoyed the stain glass effect looking through to the back. But I can see a few seams that need repressing!

And then I loved the summer colours against my River red gum tree....that we built the house around. I will still work on the free pieced one but DD sya this is much better, hope my [partner thinks so.
This swap has been great fun, I have signed on for Linda's bag swap as well. Always fun to make something for someone and try new things-even if it stresses me out.

I may not be around the computer too much in the next few days. I'll catch you up soon.
Have a great day.


  1. That looks great! Your partner will love it!

  2. Oh Tracey, the colours you've used are absolutely exquisite.

  3. That's a gorgeous quilt! I love the stained glass effect when quilt tops are hung in the sun.

  4. This is just fabulous! Can I say that I hope you have MY name for a swap partner?!?!

  5. Very nice work. I like your dinosaur too!

    It's hard to get summer inspiration when it's freezing and raining!

  6. Your quilt are great. The owner are realy luckey.

  7. Beautiful, the colours remind me of home.

  8. That stained glass look is the best *s*

  9. Looking good and this would sure look good hanging up with one of my quilts. Those are my colours, you know!

  10. it is quite lovely-warm summery colors-lucky partner!

  11. The light looks just lovely going through the quilt!

  12. G,Day Tracey, The quilt photo is unique. Is that the You Yangs in the distance or up Stawell way. Probably both completely wrong. Just loved the whole effect of hand made in a hand worked land. Margaret


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