Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Queensland holiday

I am freezing!! We arrived home from a week in Queensland at midnight last night and I am having alot of trouble getting used to the zero temp. I woke up to this morning.

We went to the Gold Coast, it takes about 2 hours to fly up there from Avalon airport ( 2 hours drive from here). Visited Dreamworld and Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo. Did a lot of beaching and lounging around the pool as well. My sister and her family also came . We left on fairly short notice to suit her husband's holidays, my husband's farm schedule and my daughter's tummy pain schedule!

I just downloaded all my photos so the kids had some for show and tell, there were 635!! I wont bore you with them all, I promise!!

We loved Dreamworld, great rides-my sister and husband have been to Disneyland and think it is on par. The lines were beautiful and short at this time of year so there weren't any I missed. Must admit the tummy had had just about enough fast paced rides by the finish!

The animal side of it was great as well, loved the tiger show, and thought you may like some of the wildlife.(These are red kangaroos.)

There were some fairly big swells happening off shore,-it is winter!- so the currents were strong and the tide was up but the kids still thought the beach was great. I love the beach to really make you feel you are on holiday.

But the pool at the resort was great as well, 5 different pool set ups, all with spas. We were flat out getting the kids out to sleep.

On our last day we visited the Crocodile Hunter's zoo. Very sad that he isn't there anymore, but a very impressively set out zoo.

The crocs were great, don't think my boy is too keen on training as a keeper though! He loved the snakes. He has taken a picture I wanted to school, I will have to scan it in for you next post!

There were koalas everywhere, I caught this one having a snack.

And, as I was on holiday as well, I did manage to sneak in a few hours of retail therapy. I went to The Patchwork Pantry, they were having buses all day as part of the Christmas in July shop hop. I could have quite happily jumped on the bus with them, it was right up my alley. I was quite restrained...I knew I had to find a spot in the bags for anything I bought.....but this had to have a spot-even if clothes had to make way.....

It's Noah's ark fabric by Jim Shore. It just couldn't stay there! There are 2 repeats on the fabric but blogger wont upload the second today.

I also finally found a teflon foot. Apparently this is the only way to work with plastic coating for bags, I will be interested to see.

Hope your week has been good, when i finally get through a mountain of washing, an answering machine full of calls and 2 email accounts full of mail I will call around for a visit! tracey


Gina said...

Fabulous photos. I love the Koala

Love and hugs gina xxx

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a fabulous time - the white tiger is just magnificent

trash said...

Loving that fabric!

Anonymous said...

Great time away by the looks and sound of it. I remember going to Qld for the first time in the middle of winter. All the locals were in long pants and jumpers and we were all decked out in shorts and T's.....

Lily Mulholland said...

Sounds WONDERFUL! Being too pregnant to travel, I am enjoying vicarious vacations like yours! Where did you stay? Recommend it? One day, one day for us!

Libby said...

sounds (and looks) like a great family vacation *s*

Margaret said...

Frezing is exactly how I would say the weather has been here in Victoria. Queensland is a wonderful place for a holiday and your photos prove that. Margaret

Sweet P said...

Wonderful vacation photos! The little girl in the pool is a cutie!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Wonderful pics!! The one with that little cutie in the pink goggles.....Loved that one!!! hahahaha

Carol E. said...

I especially loved the pics of kids having a total blast! Cutie in the pink.. I want to hug the stuffing out of her. And I love that Noah's ark fabric. What a piece of art work!

Jo-Anne said...

Love the photos! My mother is from Brisbane. I wish Australia was a bit closer to Arizona as I never get there as much as I would like....*sniff*

I hope you had a glorious holiday! The fabric is just too much fun!!

sewkalico said...

Looks like it was a great holiday! I liked the beach pic - reminds me of my son on the beach one winter in cape Town. It was freezing, but he stripped down to his nappy and vest and was playing in the sand and water! Kids, huh!!

Ann said...

Looks like you had a great holiday! I LOVE the Jim Shore fabric. May have to go on a search to find some for myself!

Needled Mom said...

Sounds like everyone had a great time.

Love the fabric and, yes, those teflon feet are magic. Enjoy.