Thursday, June 12, 2008


Today I have to start with a 'Thank You'.

I have really appreciated the support and concern from everyone, as has my girl. She says she felt quite special and it certainly boosted me up as well. I will get back to you all personally soon...
On that front, the surgeon was very happy with her progress yesterday. So we did not need to be in theatre today as was a distinct possibility. The scars are going to be major though, but the surgeon has a fair few minimisation tricks up his sleeve and we are looking into all of that next week. I am thinking a supermodel career may be out....(what a relief!!!)

So, hopefully the sun is setting on that chapter, just as it is on the crop sowing, though school has just rung and said she is complaining of the arm hurting and is sleepy-so who knows!
Close to 1000 acres of crop has been put in here in recent weeks, we have had a mild start to winter, so we are ahead of schedule, but a rain hold up would be a relief for our farmers. The radar says it's close.

Here is the tractor and air seeder at full tilt, I like the crow's appearance.
We have been doing a bedroom revamp this week for my girl (funny thing!!).
DH cut the bed in half with the angle grinder the day after the accident, neither of us could have ever slept again with her up high. Apologies to the woman who contacted me after the accident about advertising bunk beds through my got on the wrong boat there dear!!
She had been wanting a pink feature wall for ages. I have never painted anything uncrafty in my life but gave this my best shot. Has to wait a week for her pictures and posters to go up and we haven't quite finished relocating all her stuff, but I love the result. The quilts are all still layered in order of receival-her dad does that every night to particular instructions. They all got carted into hospital with her!
My sister imagines my girl probably gets a new one to match the wall-I was thinking about it! I am just so glad I still have her!

Picked up this cool thing a few weeks ago, anyone got one? It is a spinning sewing caddy. I am trying to work out how to liven it up so it is less "brown"!! I'll keep you posted.
have a great day, Tracey


  1. I'm glad your daughter is OK. You have changed my mind about buying my son a bunk bed. I love her 'new' room too. Hope it rains soon for all of us.

  2. just so pleased to hear things are all can live with a couple of scars........

  3. I am so glad that your daughter is allright! That must've been unbelievably scary for you and my heart just goes out to you and your family. Sending warm hugs to her and to you my friend.

  4. Glad she's doing okay - whats an odd scar or two between friends eh? I'm sure they'll fade in time

  5. It is great to hear that everything is alright - you must have all had such a fright. Caring thoughts to your family.

  6. Tracey
    glad the Missymoomoo is on the mend and scars are nothing...

    unbrowning your sewing caddy? just fill it with craft crap and you'll not notice it.. thats my suggestion (works here)

    take care and huggers to you and yours!!!


  7. So glad your daughter is alright. Scary I bet. Her room is looking great and love what your hubby did to the bed. Much better. xx

  8. So very pleased to know that she's going to be ok!

    Her 'new' room looks fabulous.

  9. Long live the Angle Grinder - they can fix a multitude of problems...vbg. Good to hear everything is ok and surgery is off the list. As for a new quilt - what better way to settle the nerves...vbg.

    It's good to see sowing is in full swing. Hopefully you will get rain soon.
    Hugs to you all.

  10. Don't count your chickens (ha ha ha) about the supermodel career. Padma Lakshmi has a long scar down her right arm, and yet has had a successful modeling career and is currently host of Bravo TV's Top Chef show.
    Here's a picture of her:
    In an article at Vogue she writes, "I love my scar. It is so much a part of me. I’m not sure I would remove it even if a doctor could wave a magic wand and delete it from my arm. The scar has singled me out and made me who I am. “Everyone knows that Padma has a scar." Now I know what Antonio whispered to me is true. The scar does make me special. I've started seeing my body as a map of my life. I can tell a story about every imprint life has made on my skin: the mosquito bites on my back from when I slept under the Sardinian sun the summer I first fell in love, the scrapes on my leg from the rocks in the Cuban sea during the filming of my first movie. "
    The full article is here:

  11. Good news for sure that your girl is okay - some scars excepted. I bet it was good therapy to take to that bed and bring it down to size. The pink wall looks great *s*

  12. That all sounds like good news.
    Any excuse for a new quilt though.

    I hope it rains soon.

  13. Glad to read that she's doing better and what a lovely colour for her room wall! Your sis has a good idea about a new quilt to go with the new decor.

  14. I've been thinking of you a lot over the last few days and wondering how you were, or more to the point how your daughter was going. So much better having a lower bed and the pink wall, well that's so cheery it would make anyone feel brighter.

  15. Oh, I'm so sorry to read about your daughters accident! I just read the post and as a mother myself, I understand your panic!!! But she is very lucky! My boys have bunkbeds and I hate them, I have a wild 5 yr old that I'm just waiting for him to sneak on the top bunk!!!

  16. Gorgeous feature wall, do you want to help with some painting at my place during the holidays??? I'm sure she needs a new quilt!

  17. I am so glad that it is only scars that she will have to deal with. Imagine what a story she will have to tell for her whole life!

    Glad that the room got the needed makeover. I doubt that I would have slept well either.

    Great sewing caddy. I have a caddy in my kitchen and love it, but have never thought of one for the sewing room. Good idea.

  18. What a way to get a room makeover! So glad to hear she's doing well. Scars can be like memories, good for a story and then they fade.

  19. Sorry to hear about your daughters accident. Must have been very scary. Glad she is okay now. The room makeover sounds good. Take care.

  20. The new room is looking very good! We all look pretty in pink ya know. :) Glad the bunk bed is now a "low rider"! Your hubby did the right thing. Life will settle down to a normal level of ciaos soon, then a new wall quilt for that pretty pink wall might be nice.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!