Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nieces, a bag and a winner.

How did it get to 1.02 am on wednesday morning so quickly?
I have just emailed off the minutes from tonight's-well, last night's, school council meeting and I should be going to bed, but meetings always make me wide awake.

The meeting reminded me I actually have something to show. This is why I save stuff....(well, that's wht I tell my Dh and I am sticking to it...)

At the end of the going back to School season i picked up this folder very cheaply. It has a zippered section ring binder and then the front section opens into an expanding file system and more storage. Perfect for all the committees i am on...and the endless search for improved organisation.

I dug around in my stash and found the old strap from my daughter's 2007 drink bottle that had a torn cover, attached it to a couple of Herringbone tape loops and got this very handy-and easy to carry folder system.

I have been very neglectful and haven't shared my latest niece. This daughter looks far more like her dad. Her 3 year old rascally sister looks just like my sister and I did...except we had a little more hair at this stage! My sister is a great "doer" of hair. I am not into it at all. She got the girl with virtually no hair....(who cut most of this off playing hairdressers a few days later anyway)...and I got the one with thick blonde hair. She really doesn't think it's fair. We keep telling her it'll grow sometime.

She obviously just hated her birthday...and Donut King birthday cake!

And on the card front, the Random number site pulled 9 out of the hat. I had given all of the two post's comments a number starting from the first commenter, so that makes the winner Cheryl, at Polka dots and ric rac. Drop me a line Cheryl and you can pick your cards.

Here are your random numbers:9
Timestamp: 2008-06-24 15:19:00 UTC

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Daisy is so cute! My girl didnt have much hair either, in fact still none at 2 so I do sympathise with your sister. Love your 'meeting' folder, how many of them do you need though!!

  2. The Princess had hair just like your niece. Even by the time she started school, she had only grown enough to call a 'bob.' When it did come in, it came in with a vengance. Now she has a glorious head of beautiful, thick, naturally curly hair. It was worth the wait *S*


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!