Monday, June 30, 2008

More books...

Unfortunately, no update on the serious playing with shirts I started yesterday. I have a migraine, hopefully a neck related one, which means it will be back to normal in exactly one hour and 15 minutes when my chiropractor gets me.

We had 200 sheep in to mark, drench and innoculate so i managed to get out of bed and help do that. Lambs still drinking off their mothers do not take migraines into account.

My Dh and family all said they knew I was really sick as I didn't bring the camera!

Instead I will show you these great sheep.

Are they mine?

No, if you look closely they are completely made out of old phones. Brilliant use of the cords.

I have the Church ladies here tomorrow afternoon, so was going to spend the rest of the day cleaning. Now they will see the real us!

On the book review front, please remeber I would love you to post a pic of a favourite or two. here is today's.

The next one after the Quiltmaker's gift. (Jeff Brumbeau) Still fabulous. It is actually a prequel to the first story and explains why she became a quiltmaker who gives to the poor. Once again the pictures are amazing and the story well worth reading.

I am sliding back to a darkened room for half an hour, have a great day, Tracey


  1. THanks for showing this book. I didn't know about it until you mentioned it. I'll have to look out for it.

    Love and hugs Gina xx

  2. Hi Tracey,
    Have posted a book review on the Elm Creek Quilt series of books I have been reading.
    Love the sheep you really had me going there until I enlarged the photo. How brilliant and great recycling too.
    That scar looks nasty on your daughters arm not a very nice reminder. I've heard vitamin e cream is good for scarring.
    Your son's birthday sounds like it was a great hit. Simple things are all that kids really need. Good wholesome fresh air and fun.
    I love the shirt quilt you are so clever. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the progress. Hope you are feeling better.
    Take care, kind regards from Liz

  3. Oh dear, I hope that headache is cleared up soon. Can't wait to see what happens next with those shirts - I do love plaids so very much *s*

  4. I'll bet almost everyone who sees the sheep, just sees sheep! Brilliant - just brilliant!!!

  5. Oh I hope it wasn't all that birthday excitement that brought on your migraine! Hope you're feeling better. Those sheep are a riot!

  6. migraines are just the pits - hope yours feels better very soon :o)

  7. You know, great minds think alike. I just checked the Quiltmaker's Journey out of the library this week (I have the other one already).

  8. Love those sheep! What a great recycling concept, and they look so "lifelike". A brilliant use of old phones! Thanks for sharing. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Just catching up after being on vacation.

    I do hope the migraine disappeared as quickly as you were hoping. Those things are terrible.

    That scar looks nasty. Poor thing.

    Can't wait to see where your quilting adventure took you.

  10. Hope your chiropractor worked magic!

  11. WHAT???? I didn't see the phones to start with and had to go back and have a second look after reading your post. How utterly amazing. I hope your migraine didn't last too long, I can remember lots of days coming home from school and the house would be in darkness because mum would get them so severe she couldn't stand the light until they passed.

  12. I want to read the Quiltmaker's Journey--I have the Guiltmaker's Gift and the two companion books. I love the story and the artwork is fabulous!

    I will be on the look-out for this one!



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