Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I have just had 2 child free days! For the first and only time my kids are on the same School camp program. They are down near the coast somewhere hopefully wrapped up warm in their sleeping bags and quilts and I have managed to slot some sewing into the minutes I would normally spend with them. So we are close to a finish on my niece's birthday quilt. it needs to be done by Saturday so i am almost ahead of schedule and may not need to spend friday night sewing until Midnight-there's a change!

I will take a nice photo of it for you when it is quilted, the light tonight doesn't do the Barefoot Roses collection justice. I am not sure this would be how I would make this for me, but it is how my sister liked it laid out. I would be very tempted to liven up the blocks with a hot pink appliqued daisy, but instead i just appliqued that on the next one...

I thought my DN's dolls may need a matching quilt, here it is before I stitched her name on. It is being modelled by my old Ted. I was a teddy girl, my girl was a dummy(pacifier!) and blanket girl and my boy was a dummy ....and his mother.... boy for comfort!! Funny how we all have our thing.
The "lamb stash" has grown to 4. - a new baby may be easier than up to 6 lamb feeds a day!
I think the numbers will stay at least that high as well. They were fairly weak and took some getting back to life so i have missed the window for fostering them on a new mother.
Here is the original, all green bow and glowing good health-look how he stands on 2 legs to convince me to feed him!
I went around the ewes late this afternoon and watched the last of these babies being born...someone is going to have to be very patient at waiting for their turn! I have tried the equation in many ways but 3 lambs into 2 teats just wont compute!
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Love the fabrics you've used for your niece's quilt. I agree appliqued daisies would be terrific, make it pop.

  2. The fabrics you used in your niece's quilt are SO pretty! Love the little doll's quilt.

  3. Your nieces quilt is very cute! She must be a real girly girl.

    Who knew lambs begged on their hind legs! I love coming to visit you!

  4. How nice to have a couple days to yourself. The quilt is great! I love the colors.

  5. love the quilt and I would choose a new baby over 4 lambs.......never mixed a bottle for my kids and that is the worst part about baby lambs.......as cute as they are.......lol..........

  6. Your niece will love that pretty pink quilt and I'm sure her dolly will love hers too!
    Those lambs are just adorable. So glad they're doing well, but you have to take the credit for being so good to them.

  7. Love the quilt, think you will have one very happy niece and sister if you've let her choose how she wants it laid out!! What a cute lamb....

  8. Hi Tracey,
    Awww the little lamb is so cute. Please tell me you don't eat them!!! Do they come with bows already attached. HeHe :)
    I love the quilt. Has 2 of my favourites pink and roses.
    I also have some of the BareFoot Rose range. It is gorgeous and I am going to make a quilt for my bed one day!!!
    Enjoy your children free time, lucky you.
    Take care and kind regards from Liz

  9. Just look at that lovely quilt (s). Your niece is gonna love them both! Little lamb is looking so pretty and sweet. Glad to hear that you have some time to sew. Hope the kids are enjoying their trip.

  10. Oh how could you resist little Green Bow's request *s*

  11. I have never seen a lamb stand up like that! I swear your animals are human,LOL. As for the quilt, gorgeous, but the doll quilt is extra special.

  12. Very nice work on the quilt - and the little teddy quilt too!

    Romily was asking if she could cuddle the lamb!!


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