Monday, May 26, 2008

Carrie Bradshaw eat your heart out!

Okay, secret confession day, lean a little closer.....I am big S*x and the City fan, so is my sister and we are eagerly awaiting the new movie.
She organized my DH to get me the boxed set for Christmas a few years ago. I wonder if a few of you are raising an eyebrow as to how that fits with my Church roles...well I think that we all have to be able to live in the real world and relate to real people, so I think as long as i don't start trying to be Samantha I am ok..

Now don't spoil it for me, you overseas girls!!!! This flick better be soppy, it better end well and there better be Big!! I love him, I have always leaned towards the challenges myself and can therefore see the attraction. Please tell me they get, no, don't tell me, that's right, i just told you not to spoil it!
Oh, life is hard!!! Between that and a new Indy I am almost beside myself. I don't care if Harrison is 65.......
Anyway, enough daydreaming. While Carrie is wearing her gorgeous shoes and flitting around New York ,I, too, am seeing action.
Well, let's say, seeing the result of a lot of sheep's action!!!
I considered getting you a far less sanitized pic, but worried someone may flag me if I actually took a photo of the little nose and 2 little hooves that seem to constantly greet me when I go around my sheep.
I wonder if a cosmopolitan could be as satisfying as bringing a sweet little lamb into the world on a frosty morning, hoping for a first breath, seeing none, then giving him a chest massage and seeing that first gulp of air.
But wait!..... don't think we don't have style down here, look at my usual shoes I wear on a daily basis.....
Think they look should smell them!!! They have to live outside the door-but very comfy!
But it is starting to get wet and muddy so I needed new rubber boots, here's where Carrie would go green with jealousy i am sure!lol
Da-da!! leopard print!!! My Dh thinks the sheep wont notice...but I'll know!
See you v.soon with lots of sewing (or they will be locking me up!)
Have a great day...and yes, i will visit soon, my internet has been out, my sheep have been calling..


  1. YAY!!!! See I always knew you had a side to you, te he. I love SATC too. And oh as much as I did love Aiden, it always had to be Big in the end, didn't it. So I still have that in my head from the last episode, and can't wait till the movie either.

    As for the gumbies ... va va voom!

  2. Now THOSE are boots -- I mean the WORK boots! Who says a woman doesn't want to actually WORK!

    The leopard print boots are toooooo coollll!

  3. Won't spill the beans about SITCity, but I will say that those boots of yours are totally Stylin. Wish I could find a pair of those gumboots here in MN.

  4. Awesome boots, and I am sure the more satorial of the lambs has noticed them.

  5. I love 'sex in the city' too!!! I'm so lookiing forward to the movie and can't wait to see what all of the girls are up too...
    Love the gumboots by the way, very dashing... LOL!!

    Jodie :)

  6. Love those leopard print boots - DD1 has a pair of sky blue ones with butterflies all over - sadly my humungous calves prevent me from indulging :o(

  7. Ahhh - the old shoes are just my style *s*

  8. Love the boots, your Mummy sheep will appreciate them too!

  9. LOVE those boots and I am looking forward to the SAC movie as well. As for the Indy movie? LOVED it! And yep, Harrison Ford is yummy!

    Egads you've been busy! Hang in there and get thee to thy sewing room!

  10. Those leopard boots may send the animals running in all directions if they take you seriously.

    So glad that the orphaned little lamb was able to be adopted. Talk about "happy endings."


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!