Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blankets and babies.

Kids have been home and "fluey" again so I haven't quite had the week of decadence I hoped for. Finally well enough to go and see my sister and baby today, I finished the blanket at 1 am this morning. It is chenille on fleecy.

I thought I would just pillow case it like I have done before with blankets, unfortunately that was with one cotton layer, one fleecy. This was double fleecy and it stretched a little top and bottom. I covered up the stretch as well as possible with chenille edges but I was still ready to throw it out at 1 am...luckily I didn't as my non-sewing sister could see nothing but perfection-she is a great sister! She copped a feature in her local paper as her sister in law gave birth in the same hospital on Mother's day as well. I managed to get my photo in our local paper today for the market and my girl got her Mother's day letter picked for the local paper's feature...want to read it? Here it is-

Wonder if she will still feel like that in 4-5 years!

It had her first name and School-everyone said the first line gave it away anyway! I was very touched .

The little darlings have been enjoying the pet lamb-the enclosure did not last long, he is now at my door!

-at least until the morning when I get to construct something for him.

Like his bow?...he is considering speaking to his union about the indignity of it!

He is sleeping in Archie's dog kennel as well.

Why can't I ever have normal pets.... NOT like these?

I missed the best pic...when the calf nibbled on the rooster and it was eating so intently it almost lost a wing!

I suppose you have to get in while the going's good.

Almost forgot, kids and I discussed the winner of the chook competition-it ended up being related to number 1, he is my boy's favourite. He loved that the people who chose him all gave names, Dr. Spock, Rod Stewart, John Howard and Dame Edna!! John Howard was the lucky recipient, that really tickled my boy's fancy and the rooster has been saved from the pot and will be Johnny hereafter! So Lissa jane you can drop me a line...and I take it from your comment that you do NOT want him mailed to you! Darn, shall have to think of something else!

Here he is if you missed him....

have a great day, Tracey


  1. that letter just melts your heart - bless!

  2. T's letter is wonderful .... I got an Acrostic poem from my DD - perhaps I should Blog about it. The photo of the lamb is too adorable - looks like it was bleating at that moment.

  3. I so hope that she still feels that way in five years. I'm sure if she doesn't then, that she will eventually come back to such warm memories as an adult.

    I'm sure the union would love hearing about the bow. Too cute.

  4. What a sweet letter from your daughter xx

  5. Oh Tracey, how do you do it so quickly, that quilt is gorgeous. As for the letter, oh my, made me go all gooey. What a beautiful heart your daughter has to be able to verbalise it too. As for the lamb and the bow, ROFLMAO.

  6. Just remember that she does feel that way in 5 years . . . even if she doesn't act like it *s*

  7. Missed the letter in the paper but bet it brought tears to the eyes! How lovely to be appreciated for so many things!! Love the blanket for your sister, how good are you to have it finished. Those 'pet' photos are gorgeous, think they are very lucky to live at your house.

  8. Things are never dull around your house are they . . . especially in the spring. Poor lil' lamb. What a cutie.

  9. Get listed! It's my newest blog venture :)

  10. We hand raised a triplet goat 12 years ago - it was in the laundry for a week, then started jumping all over the place, got moved into the kennel with the bullterrier (on the back verandah) for three months, then into the paddock with her two year old sister - now she is alone again, and thinks she is back to being a dog.

  11. Yay , my favourite scary chook is now a blog star !

  12. She'll still be like that in 5 year's time. She might not be like it on the surface, but underneath she will be.

  13. didn't take you to long to whip this how IS the quilting machine going??????
    LOVE the letter - very special.......and as for lamby very cute........

  14. Love the baby quilt!
    Lucky Lissa is away in Perth on a quilt retreat, will be back in about a week I think.

  15. Beautiful letter! Love the baby quilt, and Little Johnny suits the chicken perfectly!

  16. hahahaha

    Just got home and still reading blogs.. 4 hours of blog reading!!!
    Was going to post about your cute lambs and seen my name mentioned!

    Little Johnny suits him to a T... or Uncle Arthur (which is what we call John Howard in our house).. I did look at this rooster again, and he reminds me of Rev. Sweeting, our old neighbour, he had those super duper bushy eyebrows!

    who is absolutely knackered after being away at a quilting convention.. which sounds much better than a 'quilty friend drinking session' methinks!


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