Saturday, March 22, 2008

Too much cleaning and not enough sewing!!!

A clean office is a clean mind. Well, something like that, second only to a clean sewing room really. THAT doesn't happen much but the office had to, it is shared, a fatal mistake that we would not make again, especially in the bad old days when my sewing was in there as well!

So, while a clean office...and walk in robe, were the main things I achieved this week, there are a few other things I can actually show pics of,( my WIR wouldn't excite you!)

Longer than I care to remember, Amy, the Calico Cat, sent me my beautiful Autumn season swap and included yummy cowboy fabric for my boy,with me reciprocating with a doll quilt, in Australiana. But as you may know from swap experiences I struggle a bit with thinking my work will be good enough and pleasing to my partner's eye, so Amy's quilt has taken a while for the inspiration to hit.

Here, it is, and I even used Atet's advice, with extra assistance from my quilt group girls, to do that neat mitred looking binding finish. A first for me.

So Amy, if you hate it, you better yell quick and I will find it another home!!
You can't see perfectly without clicking on it, but it is a kangaroo scene throught the window, with other Australian animals in the flying geese.

I took pics in the gum trees in our unique Australian light to add to the Australiana feel!

Does it match our colours?

While utilising the clolours for that quilt I thought I would show you my 2 quilts found at op shops in the past fortnight. The one on the left is partially quilted, I will be pulling that out, The one on the right is fairly ordinarily hand quilted, I may pull that out and play with it on the quilting frame.

-and the cost? 50 cents for the left, $4 for the right

-and what will I do with them? Don't know but I can't leave a quilt in an op shop anymore than I can pass an abandoned animal anywhere!-thay need to be loved, not dumped.

On the run tonight, all the kids want for Easter is my little wheat chooks! Have a few other nieces and nephews coming tomorrow as well, they will all get enough choc so I am making them chooks as well, better get sewing!

My other little niece was here yesterday, she got a few things in her gift bag, liked the bag (mostly chenille and chenille lined), not so sure about this little yellow chick!!!

A safe and happy Easter to all, hope none of my blogger friends are in trouble with all that Mid-West flooding we saw on the TV tonight, where on Earth is the Mid West? I should ring the station and say, we bloggers want state names please!!


  1. Happy easter Tracey - Fancy thinking your stuff is not good enought to swap - your quilts are amazing!

  2. Tracey
    I'll tell you what, I'll give you $5 for the pair of them... a nice tidy profit for you!

    Our opshops never have anything like that, or the treasures ol' Jodiepoo gets at hers..

    Midwest flooding - well on our local news tonight they said Ohio & Missouri (that could be spelt wrong).. so maybe its a Vic thing, I am in Newcastle..they did mention another state, but I had my blonde head on then, so I didn't absorb it.. could of been Arkansas...

    Hope that helps..

    Lissa who has no idea about American Geography...

  3. Love your swap quilt Tracey, fancy thinking it wouldn't be good enough, you silly What a bargin on those op shop quilts.

  4. Happy Easter *s*

    I see your point about the 'mid-west' the same happens to us when something happens in Australia. The news here would lead us to believe that there is Sydney and 'the outback' We have given up and keep a world map handy *s*

  5. Hi Tracey,
    Just wanted to wish you a Happy Easter. Loved seeing all your photos.
    (the flooding in the US involves Arkansas, Ohio, & Missouri)

  6. nice swap quilt and great find at the shops........lucky you.......and HOW is the QUILTING frame going????????? not you have something to practise with.......

  7. opps I mean "now" you have something to practise on

  8. I love the expression of the little one checking out the yellow chick.

    The kangaroo quilt is lovely. I especially enjoyed the fabric. Don't think we could find that here in the states.

    I can't believe the deal that you got on those two quilts. How could anyone pass that up? I never find anything like that here.

    Happy Easter.

  9. I'd just like to know which op shops you are visiting!

  10. Happy Easter to you too. And that quilt is pure magic.

  11. Wow, it is so pretty, thanks a bunch!

  12. Happy Easter Tracey. Your quilt for Amy is lovely. You are inspiring me to do some cleaning as well, but not before going to the local op shop to see what kind of goodies are in store for me there. They are probably closed today. The midwest is a big area, and starts farther east than you would think, starting with Ohio. We didn't have any flooding in our parts, thank goodness.

  13. Hey there -- Midwest USA -- Starting in Ohio then going (roughly) to the Rockies (though the Mountain states in the west would dispute it). Illinois is included -- though luckily we were far enough north that the flooding didn't hit us :0) (aren't you glad you asked?)


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