Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Swweet Dreams-
# Book Title (Young Adult) Author
1 P.S. I Love You Barbara P. Conklin
2 Popularity Plan, The Rosemary Vernon
3 Laurie's Song Debra Brand
4 Princess Amy Melinda Pollowitz
5 Little Sister Yvonne Green
6 California Girl Janet Quin-Harkin
7 Green Eyes Suzanne Rand
8 Thoroughbred, The Joanna Campbell
9 Cover Girl Yvonne Green
10 Love Match Janet Quin-Harkin
11 Problem With Love, The Rosemary Vernon
12 Night of the Prom Debra Spector
13 Summer Jenny Fell in Love, The Rosemary Vernon
14 Dance of Love Jocelyn Saal
15 Thinking of You Jeanette Noble
16 How Do You Say Goodbye? Margaret Burman
17 Ask Annie Suzanne Rand
18 Ten-Boy Summer Janet Quin-Harkin
19 Love Song Anne Park
20 Popularity Summer, The Rosemary Vernon
21 All's Fair in Love Jeanne Andrews
22 Secret Identity Joanna Campbell
23 Falling in Love Again Barbara P. Conklin
24 Trouble With Charlie, The Jaye Ellen
25 Her Secret Self Rhondi Willot
26 It Must Be Magic Marian Woodruff
27 Too Young for Love Gailanne Maravel
28 Trusting Hearts Jocelyn Saal

I was right on the Sweet Dreams book.
But the big question?
Where are all mine? Think I may have to take a visit to Mum and Dad's and check some boxes, those books that made me broke as a 14 year old now start at $27 at Amazon..think of the stash i could buy with that!..and P.S I love you was the first...and it's a tear jerker as well.
Now back to our regular programming...


  1. is there a pattern for your beautiful free pieced roses?

  2. At $27 a book, I certainly hope that your parents have each one. Just think of all you could buy with that money. :)

  3. Ok, Ok, seeing the cover, I remember PS I love you. Also note that Laurie's Song is there!!!!

    I am sure I had a few more, but they are not leaping out at me!


  4. OMG I think I read these and they sent me broke to when I was the same age........there was Sweet Valley High also and I remember I had heaps with this

  5. Fancy 6 of you Tracy - how can that be - spooky! I wonder how many of me!!

  6. I am sure my books must still be somewhere, could be a good time to find them and offload them!!

  7. I had most of those -- I think I got rid of them a few years ago (though I may have held on to a few for sentimental reasons) -- um, maybe I should be checking the basement.... (and how weird is it that we read the same books?!? great minds and all...)


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