Sunday, March 02, 2008

Mail catch up

Having a very quiet day watching cricket after a big 40th last night.

The 40th party is a funny thing, seems to be a personal issue on how you feel about the milestone. I am planning a big celebration as well, for next year, because I am always just pleased I'm here, I love birthdays. But other friends have let it slip quietly past, or had the family for a dinner party because it was messing with their head...what's the feeling at your house, celebrate or try to forget?

I have to say though, that my husband is worried about the height of the birthday party bar after last night's show. The husband even wrote her a song...and sang the tune of her favourite ever song, "Time of Your Life". That is a favourite of mine as well, but I don't think that there will be a song next year! This ladies husband also soloed in the choir rendition of Queen's "Somebody to love" at their wedding and he is no singing slouch either!

The birthday girl doesn't sew but loves everything I have made her kids, so she got a country pot holder with farm name on it and purse, ended up sewing it at the 11th hour and used heavy cotton tape as the binding to save at least half an hour, and it worked fine.

A few mail deliveries and little purchases have arrived this last week or two and I thought i had better share, i get such good ideas from seeing others purchases on the net.
Kim at Stillmeadow sent me a link when quilt in a Day had a sale. I had never visited there before, but had been searching for the Carol Wilson cards and they were the first place that would send them to Australia. Also got some quilt block socks (!!!)the dresden plate notebook, fabric at $4 a yard and the triangular quilt rule I had been looking for....
but take a look at a close up of this!!
Str*ip poker for quilters!!! All played with strips, what a great idea for retreat...but my husband will fall off the chair if I ever show him, he already thinks we are our own species!
I resubscribed to Country threads and got this new cutter/ruler as a kickback, I am looking forward to trying it out, looks great for lots of strips.
And speaking of strips, I had a look at these tins at a LQS and almost fell over at the price, then saw them at the Fat Quarter shop sale, they were at my house in 7 days! Iasn't that tin just gorgeous, the only problem with these jelly rolls is that they are almost too cute to unroll.
And how cool is this for when Northern Exposure runs out of episodes....almost all my favourite English movies in one multiple DVD...Hugh Grant good, Hugh Grant naughty x4, Colin Firth just yummy x3, with a lot of other good stuff thrown in for good measure.
My girl went on the QX treatment machine and we are having good days. Thanks to the new bloggers who have emailed me with info. It is an 18 month saga of Irritable bowel type symptoms with migraines, she has been tested for everything, gastroscoped etc, all to no avail and getting the best results with alternative treatments. I am happy to discuss these via email.
A busy birthday lead up week for her, so we hope to keep here well, parties aren't much fun if you are lying on the couch! Also a busy one for me, heaps on and a Hannah Montana party to plan-I love it!! Have a great day, Tracey


Gina said...

I'm 40 this year and it will be a quiet family meal for me. I'm not a 'party person'. Hubby is treating me to a few days away in a proper hotel but that's all that will be different from my other birthdays
Glad you enjoyed yourself

love and hugs xxx

Anonymous said...

I love birthdays, it's something I've always made a big deal of over the years with my kids. Their special day to be spoilt rotten. I turned 51 this year and it doesn't faze me one bit, it's only a number, and I'm just happy that God allows be to be here, wherever here is.

Chookyblue...... said...

40 hmmmmmm there will be a party of some kind here.......I am just happy to be around and every birthday is a good one..........
Love all your shopping.......

Ruth's Place said...

Hee hee hee, strip poker! I love it.

You got lots of lovely things in the mail!

I tend to let birthdays just pass quietly, as long as the husband remembers I'm happy (he always does) I haven't had a birthday party in years. I might have to do something this year though as I'm turning 35, mind you exactly a week later baby will turn 1 and I'm guessing her party will take precedence.

Leigh said...

Looks like you've been taking advantage of the aussie dollar too ;-)

Carol E. said...

I celebrated 40 in a big way, but 50 was a little harder for me to accept. Now that I'm in my 50's, I figure why not turn 60, so I'll probably be back to a big blow-out (for me).

McIrish Annie said...

When I turned 40, it was no big deal. 'but this year I turned 50 and I did feel a bit old. but there isn't much you can do about it. Like Linda says, it's just a number! I've never been one to like the parties so I let it pass quietly. but if you are inclined go on a toot!!

Sweet P said...

My next "big" birthday isn't for a few years. DH knows not to surprise me with anything.

Your mail goodies look like fun, especially the ruler. I can't wait to hear how it works.

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Sob...with all that...sniff...mail you got...sob..there was no box...sigh..full of...sniff...fabric from me???

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

okay, I'm better now and not bitter. Thank you for letting me get that out. She (he??) better be making you a smashing quilt!!!

Ozjane said...

I finally stopped collecting and started cutting, even some sewing, but cut into my first jelly roll today.
Did it hurt? Was it a squishy deal?
Well I survived but those lengths are not as long as you think.
I have been wanting a tin but fearing the postage.

YankeeQuilter said...

I love birthdays. Think it comes from my Dad. When he turned 70 he started having progressively bigger parties each year...just in case it was the last one! He had lots and lots of great parties!

Finn said...

Hi Tracy, what a busy, busy girl you are, as always, and handling it well.
Happy Birthdays all around! Love the pot holder, very original and very creative. Sometimes we forget we can do this really neat thing without a book of directions *VBS*
I love all the goodies you got...strip poker? Who knew *VBG*
Love the socks and the jelly rolls, they look too pretty to unwrap tho, don't they?
Sending big hugs your way my friend, keep smiling, Finn

Libby said...

'Strip Poker' Now that sounds fun *s*

atet said...

I want to play the "strip poker" game! As for birthdays? Celebrate away -- as my dad used to say, it sure as heck beats the alternative! (plus, every year you have is a gift -- and it's just rude not to celebrate a gift right?)

Carol said...

I love love love birthdays, but my 40th has been and gone. As far as I'm concerned age is merely a number, you can't stop it, I still feel the same, and it's way better than the alternative!