Sunday, March 16, 2008

I have had so much fun!!!!

Guess what I have been doing whilst not posting?

Well, lots of stuff actually, but the big one was on Friday when I left the DH in charge of the kids and bus run and trekked off at 7 am for the 3 and a half hour trip to the big city of Melbourne for the Stitches and Craft show. DH thought I was mad, "you are going by yourself???" -but little do men realise the magnetic ability of other quilting bloggers, specifically Chookyblue,here on holiday, Annie's flower garden and Jodie ric rac. We took a photo with my camera but it isn't complimentary to one of the girls and I like my new friends, so i will wait until chookyblue mails me one of hers. I will post that with a few more quilts and my purchases!
I liked this quilt, it looked a little maverick to me, in a nice controlled way. It is Ayer's Rock or Uluru.
It is by this quilter.

The girls were great, we had a fabulous day, some friends have said, "what was it like, what did you talk about??" Well the initial coffee took over an hour, just like you had known them for ever. Highly recommend it. Got back home at 9.30 pm and felt as good as a weeks holiday!Thanks girls!
The next day I had a market day for the local preschool. They wanted a quilt display so my friend Robyn and I did one for them.

Seeing I was babysitting the quilts I took my cards, made a heap of my 15 minute bags and chooks and sold them. Did quite well, virtually no sewing came home and lots of cards went as well.

more chooks.

My stand.

I have also been at Atheletic sports and assorted other things, but have I mentioned the weather??? We are getting our hottest summer now-in Autumn. Most temps for te week over 35 celcius and staying hot at night, everyone starting to get lethargic and grumpy! Hopefully a let up on Tuesday for a day or two. Our water is getting low as well, shorter showers now until the autumn break. Have a great day, and back soon with more pics-and some visiting to your blogs-the office doesn't have air conditioning and gets the early sun so not the place to be haunting at the present! Tracey


  1. You stall looks fantastic Tracy. It was terrific to meet up on Friday and we didn't have any trouble making conversation - what were those friends of yours thinking. I tried one of Dear Fi's fabric mache bowls today. It worked out really well.

  2. Hi you stall looks fantastic and so pleased the sewing and cards went that that is all done what about the sewing know the one you are had the best day on friday.........lucky no non bloggers were with us...........

  3. The stall looks great, glad the sewing and cards sold so well.

    I'm very envious of your trip to Melbourne, sounds like heaps of fun.

  4. Your stall looks lovely Tracey - I am so glad you did so well and got to meet some other Bloggers. I saw your photo on ChookyBlue's blog, recognised you immediately and came over to see that you'd also posted about your day. What fun!

  5. Meeting quilting bloggers for the first time is just the best thing. I'm still reeling from my 3 days in Paris!

    The stall looks great. Glad you did well.

  6. Quilt friends and quilt shows . . . great way to spend the day *s*

  7. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  8. Ahhh...those hubbies do not and possibly cannot understand all things quilty and the power of quilt blogger friendships. I am entirely jealous that you were able to get together in person, LOL, one of the downfalls of blogging, no in person contact is easily accomplished! Your quilt display was pretty and I am glad that you sold a lot of things. Can't wait for my cards to arrive in the mail. They are the dearest know me, the farm girl who loves what you share about your family and quilting life on the farm!

  9. What a fun day it must have been for you all to get together, going a little shade of green congrats on your lovely table and what a bonus to have a good sales day.

  10. Sounds like you had such a great trip to Melbourne with the girls - saw all the photos on Donna's blog!

    And what a great stand at the fair - and well done on selling your bags and cards :) More stashbuilding $$$

    Hope you find a way to stay cool. My goodness it's hot!

  11. Firstly your stall looks FABULOUS. Secondly, how could you even function after a trip to S&C. OMG, I'm usually wasted the next day. I need the whole weekend to get over it, LOL. (Must be the age thing!!!!) hahahaha

  12. It sounds like you had a fantastic time Tracey, I'm soooo gealous!!!! I will definately have to pencil the craft show into my diary for next year, even if it is 900kms away. I'm sure the trip would be well worth it especially if I get to meet all of the lovely bloggers that I read about everyday... Your stall looks gorgeous and I'm not surprised that you didn't have to haul much home with you as your stuff is fantastic!!!

    Jodie :)

  13. Sounds like two great days.

    Your stall looks great all laid out, no wonder you sold everything.

    Send some of your weather to us, we'll swap, you can have our rain. LOL

  14. Of course you sold heaps - it looks great.
    You are a such nice person not to publish the unflattering photos ! I'm not so nice - I mentioned you and the gents toilet on my blog.... I had an absolute ball on Friday - still coming down.
    I haven't laughed so much for ages.

  15. Great to meet you on Friday Tracey. By the way your quilt for Jellywares Jodie was gorgeous and I know she would have loved it. It's nice to know another of the 4 seasons quilt swappers.

  16. Oh what fun! That quilt show -- meeting up with bloggers, oh man. And the heat? Yeah -- I know, you're not having fun with it right now but oh my -- I'd take it!!! (I'm kind of sick that way) Happy belated birthday to your girl and gold star for mothers for the turtle (note to self NOT to make those kinds of promises -- though, we're already engaged in some of them and my little one forgets NOTHING just like yours).

  17. I can think of few things that could top a day with quilting frinds at a good show.

  18. Those chooks are gorgeous, and your cards and bags look so lovely on your stall. Melbourne must have been lots of fun.


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