Friday, March 28, 2008

Free piecing frenzy

My husband often says that one day they will find a cure for this addiction-usually when he calls into the sewing room to say hello and searches in vain for a free place to sit!
I am bad enough with normal piecing but when I go all free piecing crazy it is very difficult to remember to feed the kids-it is very fortunate for them that they are getting bigger and can now open packets themselves!
But this is all the Spring quilt swaps fault. If I hadn't got out that big pack of hand dyeds and just decided to have a little play i wouldn't have got the bug, it's funny, after a day's play I got a comment asking how to do it (the free pieced roses in my sidebar are free pieced), well just cut up bits and play, with a lot of flipping and turning and pressing thrown it. It is very much trial and error, not like following a plan. You have no idea what you will actually achieve and not much idea how to get there anyway! I could do a tutorial if anyone wanted.
I am not that happy with any of these but thought i would still show them, can't always just show the good stuff or else the blog isn't "real."

This was the first, using the pale hand dyeds. Was pretty happy with this until I used far too light a green for the leaves and they meld into the yellow 2 tone background. bought some green DMC and think I may outline the leaves, hence it is already backed and ready. I also didn't curve the edges of the petals, forgot they need that to lok flower like.

Then played with this, got more curving and contrast at the edge of the flower but should have used something other than the pale green in the centre, perhaps a light pink, and edging some of the petals with a more solid pink or really dark yellow would give it more definition-like shading.

Then, hating waste, I picked up all my tiny scraps from the flip and sew technique used on the other two blocks and sewed them into this however they came into my hand. This would be about 6 inches toatl size whereas the others are 10-12 inches.
And don't worry, none of these will end up in the swap quilt, I have started on something nice and safe and universal!

Off to see my sister today, mailing these internationally ...and nationally Leigh...on the way...have found a few more that need to go as well. I will really get the third degree at the PO today, I'll just say I am finally catching up with my international friends!!


  1. I think it turned out fantastic!!! My hubby always asks me if I have enough quilting stuff to keep me happy now...silly man! There will never be enough stuf and thank goodness it will never get old! I am off to the market in an hour, actually, to buy some more "stuff". heehee

  2. I used to feel like my day was a waste when I had nothing that I liked by the end of it. Now I look at it all as a learning adventure. I like that flip and sew technique.

    My husband doesn't enter my sewing room unless it is an emergency. I think that he believes that he will end up under the needle if he enters. :)

  3. Tracey, I think they look great (and complicated).
    I just read your little bit about your photos - Perfect!!!Love It!

  4. Hi! I just stopped in to chat! LOL! I love your hand dyeds--beautiful colors! I can see what you're saying about your flowers but I still think they're very nice. I've made them before too, and you're right about explaining how to make them--no real telling how they're going to turn out until they're done! LOL! But that's half the fun, don't you think?!

  5. I for one would love a tutorial on these. They are really lovely but not sure if I could get my brain around it otherwise. Great photos, farm life seems never dull!

  6. I think they look lovely. Loved the burning off pictures in your last post to btw.

  7. Very interesting to read all about the free piecing Tracy - I also was very interested in the burning off story and the seasons on the farm. I always thought I would marry a farmer and be a farmers wife, but it just didn't work out that way.

  8. these are really cool! I want to play with flowers now, gee thanks a lot!

  9. Your blocks are lovely....I think I may have to have a bit of a go at these....

  10. Absolutely brilliant !!! Love the first one with the pastels, how amazing that must look up close. I know about keeping the odd little bits, you just never know when you're gonna need 1" of red or something, LOL. I have a hat box full.

  11. PS : Sewing room? What's a sewing room? Mine is the kitchen table. ROFL.

  12. I think they all turned out well. They look like good backgrounds for applique flowers like in the photo you showed earlier. Thanks for the rose tutorial as well - the rose looks lovely.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!