Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Flimsy excuses

The things we do!
It is already in the 30's this morning and I just trundled miles, well, ok then, half a kilometre with an armful of quilts, because I promised flimsies last week, and flimsies is what you are going to get.
Next time I will choose a less windy day or take big pins, but that is beside the point.
I decided i needed something with no barbed wire and no poop, so chose the round bale storage for display.
These are all the quilts I found when i cleaned, they weren't all lost, just stored in various positions. If you had pins I reckon this would be a great venue for a quilt airing.

Recognize any? I have a feeling you might, some are quite recent, some from a good while ago.
Now I have dug them out I think they should be finished off. I would love to set a deadline of the end of March, wouldn't that be lovely, but we will see what happens.
(read:what distracts me!)

Now I hope I don't get confused, but I think the green and pink was Faded Memories, my birthday money purchased me that fabric in 2006.-it needs one more border to be Q/Sized. Then the recent Roman Holiday and the houndstooth check.

1.My Lone Star. Made with Blackbird designs fabric, just needs appliquing to the backing but that is not quite as easy as it looks...the handpiecing with the templates was the easy part!
2.Our group quilt, made from fabric bingo boards, plus some triangles.
3.And dad's 70th Log cabin that I am still extending...if it weren't for the fact that it is signed by all his friends and family, some who have already passed away, a new quilt would have been far easier.

My 07 Crumb chaos just needs a border(right), the group round of friendship (left corner of bale) needs quilting and in front is the Roman holiday runner and a little baby quilt.
Plenty of work there for a few months without starting anything new....ha ha ha!!!
How is your flimsy stash looking, much in the pile or is your conscience clear?
Off to sew...maybe on these!
Have a great day, Tracey


Greenmare said...

30°? Can I come visit? We are headed back below zero here after yet another snowfall. what fun! I love all your flimsies!

Gizmo said...

They are so beautiful! And, I'd rather not talk about my pile of flimsies. ;)
The church and wedding pictures were fabulous too. Thanks for sharing them.

Anonymous said...

Great photo props Tracey. I haven't counted, but I think we'd be pretty close. Send some of that lovely Aussie warmth over please. I'm so sick of winter, roll on Spring.

Jodie said...

Gorgeous quilts!!! One day I hope to have a collection like that all of my own...


bettsylyn (Lynda) said...

There must be something in the air as just a few days ago I decided that I needed to make major border goals. I have quite a few tops just waiting for border treatment or close that I have decided that that is what I am concentrating on next. I don't mind them being flimsies but completed flimsies would be nice. I think haybales make a great way to display quilts.

Kim said...

I love the way you take your quilts outside to photograph them--sometimes on animals! LOL! I don't really have much of an outside--well, there's grass in the backyard, but one has to watch out for some of the same things you have to watch out for in the country! LOL! The flimsies look wonderful! I have plenty I need to get quilted too! Good luck with that goal!

atet said...

Ok, for those temps, I want to come visit. I left reasonable (and springlike) mid-60's to come back to temps in the teens and heading below zero. I'm cold again! End of March sounds reasonable to me -- but, really, why not try for 1/2 of them done and give yourself permission to play a bit as well?

Ruth's Place said...

Love all of your flimsies! Really love seeing them on the haybales too!

Cheryl said...

What a great quilt show and such beautiful quilts. Love the way you photographed them!

Clare said...

Mmmmmm - hay bales. You've given me an idea for when they cut our hay in May/June.

What an awesome amount of flimsies. Don't wear yourself out trying to get them all done by the end of March. Slowly slowly catchee monkey :-)))))

Carol said...

Oh lovely, all those quilts lined up in a row. What a sight. As for the heat, it's been unbearable here too. But .... wait ..... can you hear it? I hope you're getting it up the road too, because it's RAINING OUTSIDE right now !!!!!!

Andrea said...

It was so worth your huge trek to get these photographed here lol !
They all look great. I have loads of tops just needed borders - I am thinking of setting up a club called the BC's- Borderly Challenged - LOL !

Christine said...

Great pictures. Quilts look fantastic on the hay bales.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh they are all wonderful! What fun pictures out on the hay!

Rose Marie said...

If it's harvest time for you .... that means that spring must be round the corner for us up here .... please! We're sick of winter and snow and cold and .. and ... and!
Great photo with all your flimsies.