Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Taste testing

Second day of the new Year no time we will be saying, "where has 2008 gone?'...why do the years seem to fly once you aren't a kid anymore?

So did we all end up making New year's resolutions? New Year's resolutions are a little like storage containers-a sometimes vain attempt to bring organisation to our lives-but we still persist in searching for the perfect one that will improve our life.

It did get to 42 degrees here for New Year's eve and only cooled off to the 20's during the night. There were still people braving the bugs and in the pool well past midnight...and I had a swim with my boy (who had cleverly put himself to bed for 3 hours the previous afternoon so he would see midnight) at 2 am after cleaning up. A great New year always bodes well for the year ahead.

I have been far busier socialising and tidying in the last week than producing anything to share, but I have taken a few pictures that I require some "taste testing" of.

I struggle to look at my pictures and decide what appeals to others but I want to make up a few more sets of cards so here are today's contenders.

#1, chooks and quilts.

#2, a light basket of chickens

#3, chickens on a quilt

#4, darker basket of chickens

#5 , chickens in the straw

All comments on which of these, particularly which angel and chicken photo, you prefer as a card.There may even be a lucky draw that could involve cards! And if you feel inventive and want to name your favourite pic so that it is no longer boringly referred to as "darker basket of chickens", then you are more than welcome!

Oh, and a sneak pick on what you will have to decide on for next post.....
Have a great day, Tracey


Kim said...

Sweet glorious farm photos! I sure do enjoy those. How long did the calf agree to model that pretty quilt?

Kim said...

I like #1, #2 and the calf photo's. Would like to see more of the quilt in the photos. Isn't it a challenge to work with poultry? I could use some chickens, maybe some ducks...

chook said...

I love the chickens on the quilt pic
I think no #3
but I also love the first one
Hugs Beth

Leah Spencer said...

I like #1 and #4. :)

jodie said...

#5 the up close chicks with angel in the straw. Sorry can't come up with a catchy title - love the quilt on the calf!

Anonymous said...

Cute photo's my choice is #1, it's clearer than the others and has both quilts and chooks plus interesting background.

Patti said...

I vote for chickens on a quilt - like Beth. Shows the little yellow puff balls off to best advantage.

I want to know the significance of the angel however - other than the fact that she is a beautiful Jim Shore angel.

And the calf with the quilt is priceless!

antique quilter said...

I love the first one!
think it would make a wonderful card.

Fiona said...

#1 gets my vote - it's got everthing - quilts, chooks and the wide open sky. Best wishes for the New Year.

Susan said...

#1, #5 and the cow get my votes. =) Not that any of them wouldn't be just fine. =)

Your New Year sounds so nice. Wish I could have been there for a swim!

Unknown said...

I really like the close up of the chickens and agel at the bottom. ps thank you so much for your nativity postcard it arrived safely between Christmas and New Year - sometime, whenever, I have a resolution to treat myself to a Jim Shore nativity set - they are so 'quilt-friendly!'

Ruth's Place said...

Love picture number 5. Your son is very wise to put himself to bed in the afternoon lol

Joyce said...

I totally love the creative way you photograph quilts. Keep it up!

Kristie said...

My favorites are #1 and the calf. They are sooooo cute! I also live on a farm, and I just love this life.

Libby said...

Number 1 - chooks and quilts is my fave *s*

Carol said...

Well these have truly put a smile on my face. I'm back home now and wanted to catch up on your blog and saw these precious pictures. Happy New Year friend.

Rose Marie said...

Here a chook ... there a chook .... #1 is my favourite.

Elaine Adair said...

As a girl who grew up on a farm, with calves, I just LOVE the calf and the quilt! I can almost smell her/his sweet calf breath! \

Ah memories ....

Kim said...

I like #3 best! Something about the Jim Shore angel with the chickens and eggs and then REAL LIVE chicks and an egg--well, that's just toooo cool!

QuiltingFitzy said...

I rather see chickens in the basket with no figurine, they're not my favorite. How about a Baker's Dozen, lol? I'd love it!

I LOVE the calf photo!!

atet said...

The pink on the calf from this post or the quilts on the wire with the chooks in the front. I think the one with the chooks is just barely beating out the calf -- but both are great!