Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A new day.

Okay, I think I am over it....especially thanks to all my counsellors!! Pat yourselves on the back and we will get on with the nature of this blog, which is to find the good things in daily life....and look at quilts!!

With that in mind we will have a look at my sister's quilt,

I was late leaving for her birthday after staying up far too late, and didn't have time to wrangle calves or sheep or kangaroos or anything really as a photo backdrop-so I went for the old reliable poultry who will do anything for a tub of scattered wheat!

For those of you who remember, this was from my op shop shirt binge a few months ago. The blades were a design idea that I thought may look alright and were added to each block before turning it into the 4 block units. The red sashing seems to have broken it up a little and I think I am happy with it, I put flannel on the back and light wool wadding in the centre so it should be nice and cosy for cuddling toddlers and feeding babies in the middle of the night.

And because I dared grumble last post I thought I had better show you my WIP wall, well okay, it isn't actually a work in progress wall, more WIP sheep. (yes, it's Spring!)..and much cuter than my boring wall!

This houndstooth quilt needs to stop being a flimsy...I wonder if I could get away with it for winter 4 seasons quilt swap quilt??? No, bit big and even though houndstooth should really only be worn in winter I am not sure that makes it a wintery quilt! I do have some ideas for the swap, and so i should as I need to mail next week,- make me share them next post!! Have a great day...and a big thanks!! (I even got a call from Western Australia in consolation! Thanks Suse!) Tracey


  1. Love the houndstooth flimsy! (and its model). But, yes, a bit big for the four season's swap. I JUST got the top done today -- I still need to do a lot of work on it! Eeek! And your sister's quilt is lovely! I would think it's just about perfect for cuddling toddlers and babies -- and their mommy!

  2. I love your sisters quilt.
    what a great addition that little blade of red!!
    I have lots of plaids...hmmmm may have to put something like this on my quilt list to make some day!

  3. I love your sister's quilt!! It's fabulous.

  4. Your sister's quilt is absolutely wonderful, Tracey!!! The blades are a nice touchc, makes the pinwheels spin even more :o) And even though I'd probably react the way you did to the other family member's comment, look at it as a huge compliment! you and your quilting!!!

    A goal of finishing the houndstooth sounds great! It deserves to be finished! Happy quilting!

  5. ...oh, yes - the Jane Austen quilt: have a look at

  6. Your quilts look great as always. And your models are so well behaved, how do you do it?

  7. I love the photo with the chickens. the colours are lovely. I love the black and white houndstooth.

    You really ought to see if you can get the photos of your models published. They are very professional!

  8. Love your sister's quilt pictured with the chickens. Shame about your tactless relative! Hope you can move on and enjoy your quilting again.

  9. Well even it doesn't fall in the size guidelines . . . if I'm your partner, I wouldn't mind *s*

  10. Tracy, I love your sisters quilt.I adore the possibilities of log cabin...but hate the thought of making them.No idea why.Yours is lovely. Colleen

  11. Love your sisters quilt - it looks like plaid windmills. Your background settings are always great fun and very unique.

  12. Hi Tracey, Sorry to be a bother. If I post a comment and I'm not signed into my blog does that make a no reply email? I'll try this comment and see if it is different because I am signed in.
    Bye for now, from Liz

  13. I have had one hand operated on and the other one needs it. I will try using the gloves at night to see if I can prevent the second surgery. It is not a fun recouperation and I have been putting it off.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!