Saturday, January 05, 2008

Cows want commission

Back from the beach again, spent a bit too much time on the beautiful shore and the sun found a few undercovered spots on my legs so I am a little warm and pink today. My sister thought it was a great joke as I spend half an hour sunscreening everyone and making sure everyone has hats, sunnies, sun tops....and I get burnt!

High 30's again so we are having a very quiet time catching up and tipping out sand today.

Loved all the feedback for my chook and quilt photos, it is funny how everyone has such difference preferences but I think I have the general idea, also a few more things to try.
The Jim Shore angel is the Angel of faithfulness...and she is holding chooks, and I love her, so that may explain why she gets in some photos.

Today you get some more calves; if I thought the chickens were hard to wrangle, I really got an education with the calves....people who do this for a living must drink a lot because no-one wanted to stand still....or keep their quilts on for that matter (I wont even mention the disrespect shown by one...or the fact that that quilt is out of the wash and in my ironing basket now.)
Here are the boys, modelling this season's latest bovine looks....and not that happy about it!

#1 Doesn't she realise it is 35 degrees in the shade-and we are wearing quilts?
#2, No, and she has definitely forgotten that my contract says "no pink!"
#3, well, I hear those striking Hollywood writers got good results from picketing Letterman-are you in?
#4 Next plane out of here, we're on it.
#5, well....perhaps after we check it has a free mini-bar.
I'll leave the boys to themselves there, any favourites or is the pink and white quilt from the last post the winner here? Same deal, all comments most appreciated and there will be cards, etc involved for a lucky commenter. Have a great day, Tracey


  1. #5 gets my vote this time. At least they look remotely non-grumpy. ;)

  2. Number 4 for me!!!

  3. Number 4 for me - calves with attitude. Love the running commentary you provided too...

  4. That's SO cute, Tracey! I love the boys with their gorgeous "drapery". Maybe they have a future on the fashion runways!

  5. I love photo 4.

    By the way DD Gemma says can you send her the black and white calf as he's cute.

    love and hugs xxx

  6. It's got to be #4 - the expression on their faces is priceless!

  7. You have the best-dressed calves I've ever seen. I'm not sure I can choose a favorite though.

  8. These are sooooo cute! I like #4, but the are all very nice. I also live on a farm, but somehow I can't imagine our animals letting me do this.

  9. Hey, I gave you the Make My Day Award. =)

    I like the original a whole lot, but the 3rd one down, kind of looking like two heads, is good, too. Any of them are good, and I loved your captions!

  10. I got here late to vote for the chooks photos. In that series, I love #1. But the babies hatching on a quilt are awfully cute. Can't pick a fave among the calves. Seems a little too incongruous for me... the quilts "fit" better with the chooks.

  11. My favorite is #2. Looks like "heads AND tails" to me! lol Temperamental little things, arent' they! Love the quilt, too.

  12. I love *4 though they are all great. I love how you include the animals in your creations.

    I'm awarding you with the "You Make My Day Award" because your images of animals and quilts always make me smile. Thank you.

    The awards rules are to“Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about blogland! Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so that they can pass it on.

  13. Too hard. I love them all. The chickens are really cute too. You are very clever.

  14. The cows are cute, but my favorite photo is the quilts hanging on the fence with the chooks in front.

  15. Very, very fun. thanks for the photos and good luck with the harvest!

  16. I think #4 is my favorite.
    Congrats on being able to get that many photos of them.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!