Thursday, November 15, 2007

Quickest post on record?

Hi, keep those entries coming in for the 200th post, loving this!!! Entries are just what I had in mind-did anyone notice he smashed the dropper post so when I went near him he could move the whole fence-lucky I still have fingers.

I have a beautiful 3 hour stretch to retire to the sewing room now, so what am I doing here? Well, mainly promising you and myself that there is to be some sewing content posted by tonight, even if it is a dress and blanket...... I also had a fabulous new idea for a quilt.... from a photo of Madonna no less....and want to start that but must deplete the 'to be done" pile first. (Do you think anyone would notice if I just worked out a couple of blocks?)

I took these photos the other night after a shower, not sure which focus I prefer. I do know that the one with the focussed tanks could do with some judicious cropping. What do the experts think?

I arrived first at Quilters on Friday night and Kerrin's garden was just bursting with Iris colour, mine didn't flower this year, apparently they need sun to their base and mine have agapanthas and groundcovers at their bases so will require shifting. Here is just a sample, it was my favourite light of day.

And finally, some more quilter's updates. Kath was hand quilting her Amish piece. Helen bought us all little packs to make this table runner when she visited Lancaster county several years ago. Looks good doesn't it. Click on it for a close up.
And Robyn was busy, as usual. While we watched in awe she needle felted this little doll for her daughter for Christmas. That has definitely gone onto the lesson agenda.
OK 15 minutes is up, lucky blogger was again in the quick uploading mood, see you soon with action!!! Tracey


  1. I love both photo's Tracey. The 1st for the rainbow, reminds us of God's promise, and the 2nd for the flowers, both beautiful, and oh those Iris's, how gorgeous.

  2. Those are really nice photo's .... and as for that little needle felted doll, wow, she is so cute. I'd have liked to have watched her do that.

  3. I agree with Linda. Both photos are gorgeous. Each of them have their strong points.

  4. I love the photos. Those flowers are amazing and those rainbows? I love both versions. Your quilt group is so talented -- that felted dolly is amazing!

  5. Darling doll, really cute. Lovely photos.

  6. I really enjoy your photos, all of them.
    Adorable doll. For some reason, I thought you already did needle felting.

    I sent Dawn Marie an email. Hopefully she'll get back to you very soon. Here's the link to her blog

  7. I love the flowers! How gorgeous it is there. The little doll is cute - I have no desire to needle felt, but that is really cute. Are you going to take that up in your spare time? =)

    Your quilt group is really talented. No wonder you are a member!

    I like both pics, but it would depend on what you wanted to emphasize, the rainbow or the flowers? If I were just picking one of them that I'd want to frame and hang, I'd probably go with the floral one, but maybe it would depend on my mood at that moment of choosing. =)


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!