Thursday, November 01, 2007

Cleaning and gardening....pretty much!

Not a lot of quilting to report. Tidying the garden, surrounds and house for a morning coffee is taking longer than I like, throw in a few days of drafting the lambs off the ewes to wean them and only little trading table projects have been possible to squeeze in.

I have really jumped into making these nice tea towels, I know that I can happily keep these if they don't sell...make that REALLY happily keep them, I have a penchant for burning, staining or losing my nice tea towels. I still find a lot of use for them, even with the dishwasher.

I used up all the blue curtains so I dug out this yellow, another op shop buy, and there are metres of it. i think I had visions of covering deckchairs or just that it would be handy "one day"-well it's day has arrived!

I thought if I was putting the label on to jazz then up, then I should add some of the appropriate fabric to make it legitimate, what do you think?

Also made about 20 more little chooks. Used some of my chenille stores, I am very attached to the lemony cream one-so are my kids!

These projects have all used scraps and recycled unwanted items. Great fun and no hesitation in chopping and trying new things, makes them a joy to sew.

Off to school storytime, DD at school for her 5th day in a row which is just the bees knees, can you see his knees on my echium?


  1. the fabric is a nice touch and what cute idea to use the chenille for the chooks!

  2. I think it is nice to add the fabric but I just loovvveee your chooks lol how cute

  3. Those little chickens are so cute. I never thought of using chenille. Great idea!

  4. Oh oh oh! I love those chenille chickens!!!

  5. The tea towels look great . . . you can never have too many *s*

  6. great chooks and the pic of your echium........and the little bee....

  7. I love your little chickens, and great tea towels. :)

  8. My goodness, the chenille one is ADORABLE!!!

    The towels are a great idea, I like the strip on them. We had a hard time beginning to use our newest towels for fear of "getting them dirty", lol.

  9. Love the tea towels...I was thinking 'why does she burn hers?' but then realised the same reason I do - by accident! LOL

  10. Oh, your little chooks are so cute, as are the tea towels.


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