Sunday, December 02, 2007

Bits and Pieces.

The local show went very well, DD won 2 blue ribbons for Spring in the pet show, he was very well behaved, just had a few issues with a couple of labrador dogs.

I grabbed a couple of quilts as I went out the door for the craft, received a first and 2 seconds. Here is the completed Roman Holiday cushion, with one of the battery hens. Thought you may like to see how well and happy they are now.....big change from a few months ago. Have run out of the yellow from the Roman Holiday range and think a co-ordinating cushion would look good on my couch, so I just may have put a teeny order into The FQS when it was half price, hope you got there in time, apparently it sold out quickly.

Big celebrations here, Dh is home from harvesting away, not sure if I will see him much more as it is hay season here, but at least he will sleep here........and I will have a reason to stop sewing at a decent hour!

He has been madly cutting more hay at home, all that late rain has made it a bumper hay season in our area..

In 10-14 days it will have cured enough to bale.

I have been doing some more playing with my Jim Shore figures, I can't decide which of these I prefer as a notecard...any ideas?

Had one of my favourite nights of the year on Friday, it was our Quilter's break-up and Chris Cringle. I highly indulged, especially in the cheeses, after my 2 1/2 weeks of exercising and behaving...surely you can't put 3 kgs back on that quickly!

This is the gift bag that was part of my Chris Cringle's gift, it is using ons of the Nancy Halvorsten Christmas panels...and the inevitable Roman Holiday.

I will show you Christine's latest Kaffe Fassett next post, looks good.
And finally, a mauve fluffy poppy.I will be ensuring I collect these seeds carefully, the trouble I have with the chooks doing a lot of the garden cleaning up is that they over tidy and you can lose your seeds.
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Yay, your DH is home! Looks like a beautiful crop. Do you use it all, or do you sell some? Congratulations on the ribbons, yours and Spring's. I like both the photos, though it is kind of cute in the second one that the chicks seem to be at her feet waiting for feeding.

  2. I like the first photo with chicks. :) Hay is expensive and poor quality here this year due to drought conditions. Happy to see your bumper crop!

  3. Congratulations to everyone who won prizes! I lost count there were so many.
    The chicks look cute with the angels. I like the top one best.
    Your cushion looks great, it would go well on my sofa too. ;-p

  4. Congrats to both of you one the prize winning! Do we get to see pictures of the prize winning quilts complete with ribbons?

    I like the second phot for the note card, but I seem to be swimming against the tide :)

    That poppy is gorgeous!

  5. Dang, I missed the sale. The cushion is beautiful. I also like the first photo of the chicks for a notecard. It's a beautiful photo!

  6. Oooh, I love your nativity figures... beautiful! Have to say that my favourite for cards is the first one with the chicks. Just gorgeous! You have a lovely blog, I have totaly enjoyed my eifrst visit, thankyou! xx

  7. Oh congrats on the ribbons and glad your daughter did well too. I like the first picture for the notecard, but the 2nd one is good too. And your hen is looking so good!

  8. Congrats on the ribbons and having your dh home again! (always nice to know where they are and that they are safe :0) ) I think the first photo -- the angle on the second is "off". Then again -- what do I know?

  9. The little chickens are so cute. It looks to me like your husband is making Crop Circles...


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