Thursday, October 18, 2007

The countdown is on.

-and not just the countdown to Sunday to comment for the Blogiversary pr!ze draw. The vote is a close thing I may add. Which quilt will be adjudged Miss 06/07?

Oh, and this one was very upset it didn't get in the Top 12, no thanks to Blogger!

It has a better photo that you are welcome to search for in the first half of the year archives...and is my version of a string quilt.

One day of shearing to go, life will return to something resembling normal. "Spring", the lamb in the above Jim Shore pic is to be shorn in the morning as the kids are home from School. I will make sure I get you some photos of that, as many of you met Spring the day she was born, she is the one who likes to come in the house and shake hands!

The sheer volume of food always blows my mind, believe me, you can really put away some food when you are shearing around 200 sheep a day. I devised a new addition to the hot morning teas this year, and since it was such a success and is relatively good for you, as hot morning teas go, I thought I would share.

Tracey's ham and egg recipe.

I used about half a dozen eggs for almost 2 muffin trays of these quiche type things.
Great when you have too many eggs or day old/er bread.

Mixed the egg up with the whisk added curry powder to taste.

Lightly sprayed my muffin pans, as a little egg inevitably slips through and this saves on sticking.

Then I take this circle thing that came with a pie maker I once owned, you could come up with something around the house or I am sure you can pick these up as a slightly larger scone cutter around the shops. I then cut a circle from nice healthy wholegrain bread as it is better for the whole family. I keep the waste bits and put them through the food processor and back into the freezer for healthy breadcrumbs in recipes.
I cut a slit about the radius of the bread-see the knife is in the above picture.where

I then press the bread into the muffin trays, folding it over at the slit. so it all fits perfectly, with just a slight overlap.

You could put in anything you like here, I break up some ham and perhaps a taste of home made chutney, then go along and pour in the egg mix, doesn't need too much, that's why 6 eggs makes almost 2 dozen.

After the egg mix is in, I add some tasty cheese, I use the low fat one, you could get some really great flavour with livelier cheeses, I would get kicked out!

After they have cooked in a medium oven for around 15 minites, or until the egg is set and they are browned, they look like this and taste yummy. Lift out perfectly easy and nicely shaped, taste just as good cold.
Recommended by my shearer's and kids...and too easy.
Here is how they looked mixed in with home made sausage rolls and pinwheels (not the sewing kind!)

And, just in case I have given you the impression I am a good cook, here is what happens when you are lazy and use your spatula to quickly stir a double batch of hot ANZAC mix. Then, you think it will be fine and add it to the dry mix, only to taste a distinctly plastic flavour in the biscuits, which you naturally use your guinea pig family to double check for as well...and end up allowing the chooks to eat 100 ANZAC biscuits!!

And finally, after a week of being too busy cooking to eat myself...I think I will soon be able to work on my reverse fabric diet and open another one of these packs. They are the ones that I am blackmailing myself with as reward for not eating all these yummy things I bake!!!Do you know how much willpower it takes to have unopened FQS and Quilt Patch Lane packages in the house???

The girls at Quilters suggested I just open them, I said if we don't have standards the whole World goes to the I ate another piece of the de rigeur chocolate supper!!
Have a great day, and Thank you so much for all of the lovely comments on my quilts, tracey


Unknown said...

Tracey - those little 'quiches' are an inspired idea and great for using up slightly stale bread

Gizmo said...

Your quiches look wonderful. I'll be adding those to our menu for sure! I forgot about little Spring's picture - can I change my vote? lol. I do tell everyone about her antics though! I can't wait to see her new haircut. ;^)

Anonymous said...

Yummmm home made sausage rolls, now I haven't had one of those in years. Can't get sausage meat here. How about express post?

Laurie Ann said...

My chooks always like it when I make chocolate chip cookies. I think they've eaten more than I have. Why do I bother?

Libby said...

Love the recipes . . . have to add them to my little book of tricks *s*

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh I LOVE your idea for those ham and cheese egg things! I"m going to have to try it a home and if I get it to work I'm making them at our quilt weekend in Jan! Cool!

chook said...

yum all that food looks soo good .thank you for the little quiches idea I will give it a try this weekend the kids always want new thingsto eat
good on you for not opening your fabric it will be all the more fun when you get to it
Have a fab day
hugs Beth

atet said...

Ooooh, love that egg idea. I'm going to have to try that one out. My daughter would love eating one and it would be great for "leftover" night!

Joyce said...

I am definitely going to give those little quiches a try next time the grandchildren are her. You need one of those no-melt spatulas. Lol.

Kim said...

Great looking recipe! Thanks for sharing! I'll have to try to remember that one.

McIrish Annie said...

always love a quick and easy recipe!! thanks!

as for my favorite quilt, i love the shirt quilt. Your sis has good taste! and I am impressed that you are able to get so many done in a year!Congrats on your blogiversary!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

The little quiches look great! I am making them for our Sunday Breakfast tomorrow!!
Also you are my hero for not opening those packages!! hahahahaha

Susan said...

Gosh those things all look so good! Wish I were there to try them out!

loulee said...

I've not been by for a while. I loved catching up. :-) Watching the chicks hatch like that was novel, I remember waiting not so patiently while chicks and ducklings made their slow progress into this world.
Your quilts are fantastic, you've had a great year.
How do you resist all those home made goodies, your diet plan is good, but the fabric goodies are already paid for, they would be mine anyway, so why worry about bribing myself. ;-)