Friday, October 05, 2007

Congratulations go to expatriate Aussie, Ruth in South Africa, who gave birth to Araminta Sarona yesterday, if you peep at the link you will see why Ruth couldn't manage to drive recently, she is a big girl.
Another finish for you, a plastic coated Moda bag. It is lined with the plastic coated Moda as well, so it is a little tricky to work with.

I finally mastered the zip where you then attach the rest of the lining to the bottom of it, but now I am unhappy with the width of the handles, I think I will take a cm off, so tomorrow you may see a completely different bag, or in the near future anyway.

I will also be able to give you the full view of my stitchery swap shortly as it is all safely mailed this week, as is the Four seasons.- thanks to Margaret for the prompt update! It's nice to be almost caught up, just a bag and kindergarten fundraising cushions to go-due by next Monday.

My poor husband couldn't quite get his head around people not getting much mutton, or seeing canola overseas. I will save the picture of the roasted leg of mutton (older sheep) for when shearing starts, but more canola pictures I can do!!! And don't need much encouragement either! After it finishes flowering it gets long bean like seed pod (but thinner and far smaller seeds). If it doesn't get a frost at this time then the seeds are full of oil when it is harvested Dec/ Jan and we make some money. Frosts are not our friends, a good one, like last year, can wipe it out, but we now know it makes good hay so we can get some return for effort. A long flowering season means more pods which is great.

One of my succulents,a version of pig face is out, the echiums (?) are the blue flower in the background, they are just starting.
I bought a collection of different daffodil bulbs, forgot about them and put them in late, but am getting some pretty flowers, here is one, not sure of it's name, feel free to assist. have a great day, Tracey


  1. We have lots and lots of canola in our area. I have never done a zipper with the lining attached to the bottom half but I like the idea. Did you have a pattern or just figure it out by yourself? Are you going to make the handles thinner? I think it looks pretty good as it is.

  2. The bag looks wonderful, with the handles the way they are. Your pictures are just fabulous. Thanks for sharing your beautiful farm.

  3. I like the handles as they are too. I can't get enough canola photos either. That colour is incredible!

  4. hey great pics..........It is amazing how far behind us you are in the season........we have not had bulbs for the bag...........

  5. Great bag--- Marevlous pictures....Your kids must m=not have allergies....My poor Eric would be sneezing like crazy.... Have a great week...


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