Friday, September 28, 2007

Life is Good
In a far more springy mood today, hence the picture of my tulip for you Autumn girls who just make me confused!
Had a great time with my sister, took my 30 plus tablets, which may have helped, but just having her and the kids here was nice.

My sister took this photo of me nursing her girl, this is a feel good moment because she has to be wrapped in the quilt I made her for the day she was born in order to sleep...wrap her and she is gone. She is in a big bed now, with a doona, but has to be wrapped in this underneath.

I was interested to see how it had worn, being used every day and frequently washed for over 2 years. I also tried a complete different thing when making it, I wanted it to be cuddly and I was fully prepared to make my only niece more quilts if necessary, so it is just backed with a pink fleecy, then machine quilted and bound as normal. This has kept far better than I expected and looks hardly used. You can see the fleecy around her head. The full photo is Monday, Nov 26th in my 2006 archives, I couldn't get the one post to link.
One of the extra good things about my sister's visit was her,no, it wasn't like that, sisterly competitiveness did not bring us to blows, it's just that she took my kids with!!!
My brother, who still thinks he is a kid, was at Mum and Dad's for a few days, kids wanted to see him so she dropped them there.
Therefore, the other reason life is good, I finally got my date night!!! Yay!! Enjoyed the 24 hours off as well. Loved the reunion with my babies today though, we all appreciate each other more after a break...and that doesn't do anyone any harm!
They are home now and excitedly asleep, if that isn't an oxymoron!! The Geelong Cats, the rest of the families football team of choice and the one that I am jumping on the bandwagon of, is hot odds to win their first AFL Grand Final in 44 years tomorrow. My little boy is especially excited, I hope I don't have to witness whole family despair!!
During this week I have actually dusted...probably why I was feeling flat!!! And I thought you may like to look at this treasure.
See the magazines, the rolled up wool with knitting needles and over on the left, folded fabric and bear pattern pieces.
No, it isn't my craft box, it is in fact only about 5 inches in size, it's a miniature craft box i found at a market stall and has so much work in it. And the time to make little embroidery threads, beads, tape measures and buttons...well worth the $10 I paid and a good idea as a crafter present.
Off to bed, have a great day, Tracey


  1. I love the baby photo-- what a memory. Keep it close.

  2. She looks so comfy and calm in her quilt. I bet she'll love it to death.

    You can always show a photo of tulips. They are my favorite flower and I can never get enough photos of them.

    Your mini craft basket is absolutely adorable. I would have bought it too if I had seen it.

  3. Your niece is adorable -- and what a great quilt. I used the one my aunt made me for over 10 years. And then she made me another because the first was falling apart. When I was in college -- she made me make my own replacement! Little did she know :0).

    That miniature box is great! And at that price -- I would have bought more than one!

  4. Oh, that is a quilter's dream... to have someone love your quilt to shreds (or hopefully, as in your case, it wears well). She looks so cozy and content. Love the tulip, and that mini basket is amazing!! I can hardly believe it is only 5 inches! Good find.

  5. Wonderful pic of 'a quilt at work'. How good that must make you feel! I love your posts, keep em coming! My sons always revert to childhood behaviour when they are visiting us together - positively childish!!! LOL! We love it!

  6. Love that little baby in the quilt. Beautiful.

    Gosh you are taking the most magnificent pictures of flowers. I'm reading backwards in your blog as to what I've missed, loved the lavender one too.


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