Thursday, August 30, 2007

Recycled batteries.

I am still here, apologies for the break. I had to work on Monday, teaching DD's class which was fun. Have also given two talks promoting literacy, taken the kids to the dentist in another town, continued weeding and sewn for a few hours. The weather here is more late Spring than late winter, makes you want to be outside, right out of the box.

Today is Meals on Wheels. It is Church's turn to pick up meals from the hospital at lunchtime and deliver them around to the elderly who order them in our local town. I would love a lengthy period in the sewing room but it will come when everything else is everything else ever done?

On the day we travelled to the dentist I picked these up.

If you are thinking they don't fit in with my beautiful, spoilt chooks you would be correst.

They are end of year layers from an egg farm. I want to inject a little more egg laying ability into my girls so effectively purchased these from the end of season bargain bin!!

The kids were with me and quite excited to see another chook farm. I half prepared them for the reality but nothing could really have fully prepared them for 150,000 birds in little cages , who poked their heads out when they heard a real entreaty! I was only going to get 8, the kids wanted to recue 20! We settled for 12. They came home and just sat on the ground of their new shed and were still there in the same position the next morning, but with eggs laid around them!
We have never eaten battery hen eggs, number one they have pale yolks that aren't a beautiful rich orange like our free ranges but mainly number two, because we can't bear the chook's lifestyle, so I'm not sure what will happen to these first few eggs.
We are giving them the royal treatment, the weeds from the garden, the house scraps, but they just don't understand, and are mainly just standing in the corner, looking dazed about the sunlight. Tomorrow I will introduce a few of my chooks in to teach them what to do and where to lay.

Found this great apron in the $1 bin at the Op shop when searching for the kids concert costumes. I am presently working out what to turn it into.
Here is a peek at my stitchery swap. I have cut the name off to protect the innocent. Hope to have it made up and in the mail by Monday. Oh, the big red stitches around the outside are the basting to the wadding, that's how I hide my knots and the back of my work when stitching, it also gives you a slightly quilted look that I like.

I have also finally picked my fabrics for the 4 seasons quilt swap. Decidedly un-maverick choices, they are from the Sonnet range. I am thinking of making my parents a quilt in this for Christmas, so it will be good to have a look at how they turn out for this as well. Do you have a favourite Sonnet? Mine is 116, "Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments." .....Though plastic surgery is actually working hard to overcome the efforts of time on rosy lips and cheeks. I wonder what Shakespeare would think of that.


  1. I am sure these chooks will be very well looked sonnet range.........I have some charm packs and a couple of peices of material to play with.........(not sure when) ....all safely packed intot a snap lock bag ......not what to make with them.........

  2. oh and working on my stitchery swap this morning also.......

  3. How nice that you saved some chooks - hope they settle down quickly and enjoy life on the farm.

    Your stitchery looks lovely - mine should be reaching its recipient any day now. I keep checking her Blog - it is not there yet.

  4. Those chooks won't know they are born! Hope they settle into their new home quickly. My Mum just has one chicken left from the hens she started keeping a few years ago and it is like a pet - it comes to the back door for company. Love the fabrics you've chosen for the Fall Quilt.

  5. Oh those poor chickens. Don't even know how to roam around and have fun. Makes me want to cry. Glad your kids talked you into rescuing more and that they soon learn some freedom.

  6. I'm sure your new chooks will settle in once they over the shock. I remember Dad rescuing hens when I was little, they soon learned how to scratch about.

    Your stitchery looks great, very cosy.

  7. I want to inject a little more egg laying ability into my girls so effectively purchased these from the end of season bargain bin!!

    How exactly does that work...

    Love the stitchery.

  8. I also feel so sorry for chickens caged like that. Nice of you to rescue some of them. I hope they learn to be free. Love the fabrics you have chosen.

  9. Oh those poor chickens! I want to run over and just cuddle them. Poor things! They are kind of cute though in a sad sort of way.

  10. Those little chickens just really do not know what to do with themselves. Love the santa apron. I can't wait to see what you will do with it. The swap fabric is have a plan I take it. Will we see the entire stitchery after the lucky girl gets it?

  11. What a culture change for those chickens - I'm sure they'll adjust soon. Love the stitchery design and the four seasons fabric

  12. Wow - chook rescue. That's fantastic. I hope they catch on the good life quickly *S*

  13. Lucky chickens to have been brought home by you! They will adjust and be so so happy and the eggs will improve too.

    Are they molting right now?

  14. You blog is looking very blue! You've been very busy. I love that you called your previous post 'a quiet day' - I think not!!

    Your stitchery is great :)

  15. I haven't visited you for awhile but I need to return more often. I am intrigued by your chooks. I have been thinking a lot lately about the chicken business and your post has reminded me to be more aware as I shop for chicken.
    And I love your fabrics you are using in the fall swap - thanks for sharing.

  16. Hiya Tracey, have missed visiting for a short while but I'm back now. Lovely pictures as always.

    Did you know it was Blog Day yesterday? Yep, who knew? I listed your blog as a place I like to visit.
    Did you know it was Blog Day yesterday. I listed your blog as a place I like to visit.

    Back to read up on what I missed.

  17. OK, I have never lived on a farm, and so I am confused. I understand the part about rescuing these poor, sad, neurotic chooks.. but i don't at all understand what you were talking about with different colored yolks, something about "battery", "end of year" egg-layers.. what is that? I'm very ignorant of most farm practices and terms. I do, however, buy my eggs from free-range chickens. Those poor creatures who never get to see the light of day - they break my heart!! Please tell us when these lucky things have learned to cherish and take advantage of their freedom.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!