Friday, August 03, 2007

One step forward and one step back.

During a fairly quiet post-camp slump yesterday I did manage some progress on my roses, but I am just giving you a tease because I am close to a finish. (I also managed to lie on the bed and slowly re-read a good portion of Harry, but we wont mention that!)

DD has just gone back to bed, the tummy is really not great today, so much for the usual 8 week window between troubles, this was less than 3. We'll keep hoping it is tiredness related and will quickly go.

Very wet and miserable today, I am meant to trek to town for provisions but at the moment that doesn't look at all inviting, neither does a walk-Harry is once again looking the goods!
This is the camp hexagon that had all the girls wanting to learn, out of my LQS sample mailout, can't find the sheet to say what they were.
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. The rose looks really effective - can't wait for the big reveal!

  2. Both blocks look really great. I especially like the rose.

  3. Love the roses..the hexagons are beautiful

  4. Those hexagons are really pretty.

  5. The rose is wonderful! I love what you did. I also love the hexagon colors - spread that infection of fabric-craving! So sorry DD is sick again! Wet and miserable is definitely reading weather!

  6. Rose quilt is looking wonderful - love the embroidery. beautiful baby roo in your recent photo.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!