Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Wow, so many nice comments on my birthday! BIG post to follow before I disappear on retreat! Thank you!!!

Now, seeing gifting is my thing, I have a (possible) one for you.

As a birthday and 'coming up to 15000 hits' commemorator... if you have commented during birthday week then you will do in the draw to pick one of these lovely address books.

Now I suppose birthday week doesn't officially finish until next Sunday, 12th August, so you have until then. And as I get up to 350 hits a post nowadays, I would love a few lurkers to rear their heads, I can't find your blogs if you don't say hello on mine!

Have fun Tracey

And, no, this was not a present...but it makes perfect sense to me!!!


  1. Love the hammer and screwdriver set. Very funny. Only two more sleeps now. I bet you're excited.

  2. Can't wait to read all about your birthday - are you getting excited about the retreat? This one is at the place where you showed us photos of the house with ocean views isn't it? Wish I could pop on over and join you.

  3. Belated brithday wishes - I'm all behind in my blog reading. Hope you have a lovely week and a great time on retreat.

  4. Sorry - that should have said BIRTHDAY of course!

  5. What a cute hammer screwdriver set. I think I may have one of those somewhere. Lol.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday. Love that screwdriver and hammer set pic. No need to put my name in for the gift, just wanted to send you birthday greetings.

  7. My tools look just like that *s*

  8. Happy birthday. Hope you have a great time with friends and family.

  9. Love the hammer and screwdriver set!

    Have a great time at the retreat!

  10. Happy Birthday...Leo's ROCK!

  11. Makes perfect sense to me too -- the first Christmas I was living on my own and too far from my parents' house to pop over and borrow tools I asked for my own all purpose tool set because I had ruined a knife and a pair of shoes trying to hang pictures and put together prepack furniture!

    Sorry I missed your draw and a chance to wish you a happy birthday. Happy belated wishes for many more!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!