Wednesday, August 15, 2007

And the winner is........Dawn, at Quilts and Pieces.
Dawn was a commenter during birthday week. She now gets to scroll back a few posts and choose which address book she would prefer. I laughed when Dawn's name came out the hat (well, container!)-hers was the blog I stumbled upon one day that got me intrigued and therefore blogging.
Blogger refuses to upload any photos for me today so the prepeared retreat blog is saved and waiting for its photos. I am full of the chesty cold and sore throat so I am crawling back to bed, I had thought I might escape it as I only had a husky voice at retreat...but no such luck! Tracey


  1. You have to be kidding! I am so far behind on blogging that I would have taken FOREVER to see this! Ohh, oh, oh! I can't wait! Thank you so much! I never win a draw!

  2. I hit send too fast - and I'm sooo excited I will have this from you! Thank you so much!

  3. Oh tough choice! But I would love the Country Threads one. I wish I could find that magazine here more.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!