Friday, July 20, 2007

Still no machine.....but I can see the floor of the sewing room!

Cleaned every bit of the sewing machine and it hasn't made any difference to the noise so I will be reclaiming my old Janome from my sister tomorrow, I know how it works and my quarter inch foot will fit so I think that is the best way to avert what I can only call a crisis! I can't go 3 days without sewing a stitch, I get grumpy! getting it ixed will not be an overnight option around here.

Wednesday I spent the entire day cleaning and reorganizing. It really clears your head, I found every bit of fabric I had lost and made enough space so I could comfortably use my cutting table again.

This is my cutting table, would have made it a little bigger if I did it over, but I would still fill that space and be cutting in the same sized area so this is fine. It is on castors and made to my exact height (tall) so that cutting doesn't hurt my back, I love it.

Here is a close up of underneath, hooks to hang my tools, a hanging fabric rubbish bin and two new containers, one for crumbs and the other bigger scraps. Everything small and leftover goes straight in these after cutting. All my rulers are sitting on a wooden hanging rack that is being used as an extra shelf until I hang it from the roof for strips.

This is what you do with your wooden playpen when it was getting a little old and you REALLY don't need it anymore! I took the screws out and made hanging racks for the wall and benches. Strips go on the bench ones for when i am sewing log cabins. I find my personality copes best with my stuff being out-I struggle with drawers and putting things back so this works for me. I have those little bulldog type clips and hanging hooks on this rail so that all my printed out instructions, tools etc can be put straight there and not lost in the abyss.

Another new organising idea, as I have my own space I can do what I like so I have turned this shoe holder into a wall mounted storage system for bits and pieces, I am loving this already and have only just started filling the pockets-I think velcro may need 2 pockets!

Had forgotten to share this purchase, it is a Jim Shore panel, he makes the patchwork angels and houses I like. It even has my favourite red barns and a covered bridge!
Here's to a machine tomorrow! Tracey
Gratitudes: DD singing, happy and relatively pain free, school is "brilliant!"


Carole said...

Well, that's certainly good use of space. I hope you can have your sewing machine fixed in no time. Cleaning the sewing studio does clear the mind for more creativity! Keep well!

Anonymous said...

You have been a busy little beaver, haven't you? Love your Jim Shore panel, my colours. Hope you can get your machine fixed soon.

Susie said...

Beautiful Jim Shore fabric. I collect his figurines. Hope your sewing machine is soon on the mend..

McIrish Annie said...

Still thursday here but glad to see that sewing will be going on! Looks like you are ready to go just need a machine!!

Glad DD is better.

Sweet P said...

Great job on cleaning up your space. A cleaner space does promote creativity, doesn't it?

Doodlebug Gail said...

Isn't it lovely to have a clear outlook once a sewing room is all squared away? I like your organising ideas - especially the little green and orange stand up bags on the floor - really nice.

How wonderful for YOU that DD is feeling better and is back at school - I sincerely hope it lasts.

Joyce said...

I love seeing other people's sewing rooms. I always learn something about organizing. Now when I see a thrift store playpen I know what to do with it.

Libby said...

Great use of the play pen . . . I love finding new uses for old things.

YankeeQuilter said...

Sick sewing machines are such a bummer! Mine could use some TLC too. Congrats for all that cleaning and organizing!

Lily Mulholland said...

Tracey - excellent re-use of the playpen! Well done on knuckling down and getting your sewing room sorted out! I sorted out my two sewing tubs the other day - I don't have much to sort, but it felt good when it was done!

Susan said...

Wow, you've got some great storage solutions worked out! I love the playpen wall. =) The Jim Shore panel is wonderful. Hope your machine is back in shape soon.

atet said...

I love your space -- and your cutting table is making my back jealous. I use our dining table and I have to take many breaks if I'm cutting a lot of anything. Or marking it, or pinning it. Ugh. Someday I will actually have a cutting table at the right height!