Sunday, June 17, 2007

So much to post about and so little time!
Have been absent getting the place in order to disappear to Melbourne for a few days, DD on the improve and very excited about Melbourne with Mum.
Cleaned out the car and decided a little more organisation was in order with the door storage. It was crammed full of pens, unpicks, choc papers (jolly kids!!) important stuff and my personalized stationary.
(shocking house light colour, apologies!)
I know things disappear from there when I open the door in the wind so I devised this to fit exactly. It is the Maison Noel range and my usual favourite plastic coated fabric. I have been actually selling some of these purses, especially the ones in Faded Memories. They are very popular. I added a pen/ unpick/noteholder to the front and a zip section for the important things. Looks far better than the before pic (which I fortunately never took!) The quilt looking thing is my personalized notecards, gotta love the internet!
Added this little bag to the collection to keep some more sewing notions together in my bag while I am away, in case i am very bored in waiting rooms.
Have you posted a pic of the little bags you keep for your notions (not necessarily the needle holders.)
Haven't finished my niece's Doll quilt yet, got distracted and cut up the op shop felt hat and made this, once again dodgy light but I can't wait until a.m. so it will have to do.
I'll take another one of the whole thing as it came fairly cute! The base blanket is a big cotton weave blanket I bought at a op shop and cut up into useable pieces.
I was able to do my chores in a bit more sunshine and snapped you some photos of the lambs playing 3 Billy Goat's gruff over hubby's new bridge. I love how I can get these photos now, once I would have had to be so close that they all would have run away!
The view back towards home (which is always the best view....)
Anyone know of any Beatles fabric, I have done music things for a favourite BIL but Beatles are his favourite, especially Paul!
Just thought I would finish off with these two, now who needs George Clooney's genetics!!!
Remind me I owe you a pic of DH's new toy when next I post...believe me, there wont be anything being said about my purchases here for a while (not that he generally does...perhaps just the odd raised eyebrow, especially when he calls in for a chat in the studio!) Cheers, tracey


  1. I always carry a little stitching in my bag in case waiting time. And I also have mine in a little bag I've made.

  2. Congratulations on the new camera! Love your, lambs, sewing...all good! When our boys were small we had sheep and love lambing season! Precious memories...

  3. Your kiddos are Soooooooo cute!! Loved the pics!

  4. The rock bridge is absolutely marvelous, and so entirely keeping with the lambs running about! It's like a children's story!

    Thanks for the photos, but I WOULD have liked to see the 'before' of the car door disorder.

  5. Just stopped by to say "hi"--looks like you've been a bit busy! I love the photo of the lambs and the new bridge; seems you're giving that new camera a workout. The photo of the kids is great too!

  6. Have fun in Melbourne - the Cats are on a roll so it should be a fun game. Love the lambs photo. 3 Billy Goats Gruff was one of my favourite stories as a child. Will you be doing some fabric shopping in the Big Smoke?

  7. Chocolate papers, blame the kids, yeah right??!?!?!!lol.
    Hope you get on well in Melbourne and something is sorted out for your dd.
    Good luck <3

  8. Tracey I'm loving the pics, keep 'em coming. So fun to be able to zoom in isn't it? You can really get those candid shots that are otherwise quite hard to get. My notions? Must admit I have a hard enough time keeping track of where I leave things here, let alone taking them anywhere. I do however take my knitting, what a nanna I am!! LOL

  9. Your little stitchin' bag is great - I love to make sure I have something handy to pick up at a moments notice. You never know when you'll have time to get in a stitch or two *s*

  10. Those Three Billy Goats Gruff are just too cute. I read that story to my children and grandchildren!
    Your kiddies are also adorable..

  11. I love your door bag! The scenic pics are great, too. Hope your trip is wonderful!

  12. Lovely new bags and no, we don't talk about my purchases at my house either -- but mostly because I am the one who keeps the household accounts ;0). Your children are beautiful!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!