Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The pictures will be improving for next year's harvest!

This is my little darlings in the 05/06 barley crop . Not a bad pic but I have been wanting to get something with better close up, lenses, etc. My photography is getting to be a little more than snaps and I had decided to save the egg money and perhaps even have a craft stall to get a new one.

Then...today I worked, for real bank account money! My precious DD begged me to come back and teach her class while the teacher is off, she didn't go for yesterday's fill-in, and as her Principal added to the request i got to teach my baby and it was just like riding a horse! I had fun, even after DH very obligingly put a bottle of Pepsi max in the fridge to go with the whisky in anticipation of a hard day!! That relieving money is easier than sewing for a week for a market, but I'm worried I'll get temped, DH calls it "sucked right back in." But at least the camera might be quite a few months closer now.

Apologies, no sewing progress...because of work! So I will be out of kilter for finishing everything in a week but there is always next week, the joy's in the journey, Tracey

ps funny story, Miss 9 watched me get ready to teach and decided my black pants weren't quite stylish enough so I had to replace them with a black and white skirt and knee hi boots, "that's style" she announced and I was allowed out.
Post script: Looks like I am working tomorrow as well, just got the call-here comes a camera!
Just snapped this for you to celebrate, the sunset after a shower with my favourite river redgum that we built the house around, in the foreground. Life doesn't get much better than that, Tracey


  1. Why are verses of "The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music" running through my head looking at that pic!?!?! And that sunset is just gorgeous. Hope you're getting the rain we're getting, it's bucketing down here.

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I'm enjoying reading yours. What kind of camera are you getting? Lucky you that your girls actually want you around them and at school no less! Whiskey and pepsi...lol

  3. At this rate it shouldn't take long to get your new camera. That sunset picture is absolutely gorgeous. Pictures couldn't get much better.

  4. I did a lot of substitute teaching after I retired and quite enjoyed it. All the fun of being with the kids with none of the meetings etc that make teaching a drag. I'd keep it up at least until you get your camera!

  5. Lovely picture! Money from relief teaching is always a welcome addition to the budget. It sounds like you are going to have that new camera in no time.

  6. Ohhh, that whole teaching thing is sooo seductive. And relief teaching (we call it subbing here) has a lot of the joys without many of the hassles of full time teaching. Enjoy your time in the classroom!

  7. You really have some wonderful scenery to take pictures of, and I love you sharing with us! Please keep it up :o) Best of luck gathering more egg money – if they keep calling you instead of the regular sub, you’ll get a new camera in no time :o)

    Take care and have fun (for now) being back to teaching!

  8. Nothing like the fashion assistance of a young girl in the know. You'll be learning the workings of a new camera before you know it.

  9. You can't take better pics with any camera than that sunset! Hope you make an enlargement for the desk or wall.

  10. Lovely photo Tracey! Hope that new camera makes its appearance a lot sooner than you anticipate. LOL at DD's comment about your "style". I get strange looks when I put on a skirt and make up - LOL!!

  11. It is really special for you and your daughter for you to be able to fill in in her classroom.


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