Saturday, April 28, 2007

The week in review.
I know I am in trouble when even my DH tells me to stop and smell the roses! Well, I didn't think that my week was just too bad-just full. But I did then add in a full night of cricket watching when Australia beat south Africa in the Semi finals and followed it up with a big day of catering, fete organisation, packing bookclub orders, school storytime, chiropractor and Auskick footy for the kids. I fell into bed about 11 o'clock that night after serving supper at our church hosted Pr*menade of Sacred music and slept very well.
Big news here, last night it remembered how to rain, some people got close to 2 inches in our dry old state, we are closer to half an inch but it is a nice feeling to know it can come. My kids are presently in the bath, on a Saturday morning-Why? Well they went out to kick their footballs and I missed a great photo opportunity because they were so excited about the puddles that they sat and played in them! They turned up at the front holding ALL their clothes in their arms.
Not a lot of sewing this week,but while waiting for the cricket I made bags and purses, the purses have all found homes, this bag is a prototype, I love the fabric, ordered some more after I saw the results. While the cricket was on, when i was back in the house, I baked more of Kim's apple cake, did my ironing and finished my Lone Star. I am only giving you a peek at the back before I sat and took out the templates, I am hoping to have it appliqued for it's big unveiling very soon.
THANK YOU to all of my commenters on the last post. I have printed them all out and DD and DS are going to cut them up and draw them out to see who gets the prizes. It was great to hear from a few "lurkers" as I then get the chance to visit new blogs. Stay tuned!
Finally. I have weaned 3/4 of my bucket reared babies. They didn't seem to be finding the water in their new paddock so this is me tricking them into following me to the trough by carrying their feeder. At one point I had 13 behind me all sucking on my clothes, then the kids came and they just annoyed them., clear water.

I finished Sandra Dallas' Persian Pickle club the other day, it is now being devoured by my friend Robyn. I am well into the first Elm Creek quilts book and really enjoying it.

I love this quote, "Time, space and lots of friends-that's what you need to be a successful quilter." p.118. So true I reckon,but also often hard to achieve, you need space to think big! The time factor is also 2 weeks I will have plenty (well that is the theory!) But the friends thing is really the most important, it's not much fun making quilts if you have no-one to see them and no-one to talk about them with. The internet is great for those of us who can't always catch up with other quilters weekly. YAY and gratitudes for the 'net!....and friends here and not here ....and cricket....and sewing spots no matter how big......and crazy kids...and caring husbands....and a drop of something alcoholic on occasion ...and even half an inch of rain. Have a great day!


Leigh said...

Wasn't the rain great! I think we got around 4mm. It's just lovely to look out the window and see wet fences and plants etc Looks like there might be a bit more on the way too.
LOVE the bag and the fabric.

Libby said...

Glad for your rain - it has been too dry a year for us as well. I loved The Persian Pickle Club - need to get started on the Elm Creek series. Can't wait to get a peek at the front of that star . . . I'll be patiently waiting *s*

Anonymous said...

Loved your photo's of your cows, so nice to see Australian country again, even just a little bit. So glad to hear about the rain, my mum who's in Moe said they had a good bit. Your star looks like it's going to be stunning.

Carol said...

We got rain here too, fabulous! Something about lying in bed and hearing the rain pelting on the roof is magical. Love the bag, the material is perfect for it. And the calves following you. I have images of the pied piper. C'mon, be honest ... you had your back to us but you were playing the magical flute weren't you??? LOL

Doodlebug Gail said...

Cricket - OMG - South Africa didn't do too well did they? So, I'm supporting Australia right now ...... they're doing a great job.

Nicole & Phil said...

I am enjoying your quilt pictures. Thanks for sharing!
Hoping you get some more rain soon!!
you will love the Elm Creek novels, they are great to read!

Anne Ida said...

Thank you for the peek into your life! Glad you got some rain down under :o)

I'm happy you are enjoying the Elm Creek Quilts novels - beenig a die hard fan of Jennifer's writing!

Looking forward to seeing your lone star!