Monday, April 30, 2007

It almost wasn't cricket.
A huge Saturday night....not perhaps like some of those in the long distant past but a big Saturday night nonetheless. I actually went to bed at 8.30 pm, read a little bit of 'The master Quilter' (in an attempt to tell myself that it wasn't a good 2 hours too soon to be going to bed) and then had a few hours sleep before getting up for the supposed 11.30 pm start to the cricket. Of course it had to rain in Barbados and the game didn't start until 2.15 am! Except they couldn't tell me that until 2 am so I just had to stay up and wait. I stitched a few sock sacks for the fete, gave myself a facial, pinned and tied my pink floral skirt quilt and drank a few coffees and a lot of hot chocolate...and twisties...and mettwust...and leftover easter eggs!
Most of the game was well worth the staying up for, slightly dodgy end courtesy of more wet weather and a few decisions by the organizers. One part of the second innings was a real first for me, it was the first time I have ever seen cricket continue in the rain. Cricket is a little precious about bad light and rain, but I suppose if someone was throwing a hard ball at me at 100 miles and hour I would prefer to be able to see it as well! Anyway, my boys won and I watched us win in the night 4 years ago and 8 years ago so I have seen the cricketing hat-trick.

We have been very fortunate over the weekend to receive almost and inch and a quarter of rain. That is well and truly enough for an Autumn break and I should see a lot more happy faces in town today. My dh will now be very busy trying to get crops in.

Finished Jennifer Chiaverini's Master Quilter and moving on to Round Robin. Really enjoying them-thanks to all the recommenders.

Made a couple of little sock sacks for the fete, we love our sock sack here. I put all the socks with no pairs in there every few months, then usually find a whole heap of new pairs! The yellow check was in the op shop on lenghts of 3 m. for $2.50 and the blue check inside that the picture doesn't really show was a Q/s cotton doona cover for $6. Absolutely heaps of good material there. On Wednesday we are having a craft day for the School mums to make items for the fete and these are one of the prototypes. I'm providing the materials so we will use a lot of my op-shop materials up.

A big finish! The string quilt that came out of the little "how I make strings" tutorial a few months ago-and also managed to have a big rip-is now finished. I think I mentioned that I had caused a few problems when I took the borders off. I stretched the edge and there was no way to fix it well enough to border and bind so I just turned the backing in and because it was an old pre-quilted bedspread it has beautifully covered the edge problem. Seeing the back was already quilted i just tied it to hold it together and I am keeping it as a decorative throw.


  1. The string quilt is so pretty! And I love your idea of how to finish a problem edge... and using a prequilted back, too. Very clever.

  2. I love your string quilt throw. If I keep getting tempted, I'm just going to have to make one soon!

  3. What a pretty string quilt.

    Congratulations to the Aussies on winning the cricket - I watched quite a bit of it yesterday. Of course I had the advantage of watching all day and not having to stay awake when play was delayed. What an amazing run rate! I was sorry it didn't go to 50 overs - can you imagine the records they'd have broken with more runs?! So that's it for another 4 years ..... DH jokingly suggested that we ask for a refund on the "pay per view" premium we paid for the tournament.

  4. Tracey Tracey Tracey. I can comment on socks. I can comment on quilts. I can even comment on fabulous op shop finds. But I *cannot* comment on cricket. te he.

  5. Great strings! Gosh, a pile of strings are pretty, strips of strings great, quilt of strings gorgeous, etc., etc. But I REALLY like how you combined the directions of the strings.

    No comments on cricket matches - I must admit I am sports challenged.

  6. The sock sacks are a terrific decorative way to solve that eternal problem - I use a black plastic binliner for the same purpose - nothing like as pretty. Didn't you know that sock manufacturers make one of each pair of socks water-biodegradable after 10 washes - a cunning plot, hence the hoards of odd socks around the world :o)

  7. The string quilt is really pretty, Tracey! No one will know it has been torn and stretched :o) The idea of a prequilted back is great, i love the way it turned out!

    I really like the sock sacks as weel! A great idea for when the washing machine eats one sock and makes you wonder what to do with the other until the machine throws up :o)

    Congratulations on the cricket!

  8. Very pretty - and unusual colour combo. Kind of reminds me of mars bar cake!!

  9. I was at work on night duty for the big game Tracey. I was pretty busy most of the night, but another girl and I got to watch it for a while about 6am. We had a patient come in who had chest pain while watching the game, and he didn't want to come to hospital in case he missed something! We gave him updates every now and then, so he was ok! I asked him if perhaps he was getting a bit too excited, and we agreed that actually reaching the end of the World Cup was the biggest excitement. Lions won today, MotoGP on tonight, and I'm on holidays!

  10. Oh - your string quilt is lovely! That's an arrangement I've not seen before. Sounds like a great solution - the way you put it together. You'll love snuggling up with it!


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