Thursday, March 29, 2007

Midnight fabric play.
I have had a good night's sleep and recov red from all night cricket game#1 so I am ready to focus and show you what I made that night.
I took this great skirt that was an op shop find and decided to have a play.
The resulting photos are largely self-explanatory.
- added in a cute hot pink polka dot from the stash and some white sheridan sheeting off-cuts to make 9 patches. (9x4 inch patches) At this stage I was planning on making bags!

-Decided I liked the look of it and to see what happened if I treated it as if I was doing the quick form of creating HST's. So I cut out a piece of the hot pink polka, (that was almost the same size-I trimmed it later!) drew the sewing lines on, sewed and then cut it into 2 new blocks.

Here is what 4 of the resulting blocks looks like. I'm not exactly sure which way I prefer so give me some feedback because I'm going to make more blocks and make it up at quilters tomorrow night.

It felt very odd working in the middle of the night, when I started to get tired I made 6 foot of strudel- that kept me busy and awake.

Kids started Easter holidays today so a fortnight of sleep-ins and stolen sewing minutes are in the pipeline. Have a good day, Tracey


  1. Glad to see you're getting so much done while the Cricket is on. The Aussies did well which is more than I can say for the South Africans - yes they won, but OMG they should never have after that performance at the end of the game!

    I like the 1st picture of your blocks - very pretty.

  2. Hmmmm so the 10.30pm curfew didn't last long huh? I like the first pic too, kind of looks like a start shooting out from the centre.

  3. Very cute! I think I like the second block best because it's so different. Although I like the first one too--hard to decide! Oh, and I'm still standing by the mailbox, waiting for that streudel, but please don't send the whole thing--my mailbox isn't 6' long! LOL!

  4. OOOO - I like the second picture of the 4 blocks best. They both look wonderful - but #2 is cool.

  5. I like the second block with the diamond.

  6. I just found your blog and I really like both of the hst blocks. Each one has some serious potential.

  7. I like the second picture best. IMO it has more character.

  8. Hi, Tracey! Looks like you had a lot of fun cutting that skirt to pieces :o) I like both blocks - but am leaning towards #2 as being my favorite, but i think your choice should depend on how many more you are going to make, and how more of them will look together... Just play with them and have fun! I'll be checking in later to see what you end up doing :o) Take care! And PS! I'd love some strudel!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I love those blocks! What vibrant lovely colors!

  11. Put me down in the second block column.

  12. You are soooo creative...I love what how you transformed that skirt into those gorgeous blocks!

  13. I like the pin-wheel block. What a lucky find, the fabric from the skirt is gorgeous.

    I'm enjoying being an Australian in South Africa at the moment he he he.

  14. Very cool work with the op shop skirt. Love the effect of the polka dots in your HST blocks.

  15. I like the bottom one. How did it turn out?

    Is an op shop a thrift store? Used clothing and stuff like that?


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