Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm going to be a Maverick......
I wonder which one I'll be, Tom Cruise's Maverick out of Top Gun or Bret Maverick, the poker hustler......wait, what's that I hear.....oh, it's a quilt maverick! Well that hopefully wont be too hard for this "don't read a pattern- just see what happens" quilter!
I always wanted to join but was a little afraid it would be like trying to be in the in crowd at School and I might face rejection!! That's a little bit of a sensitive issue with me as you can see from the fact I don't list my favourite reads in my sidebar , I don't like others to have hurt feelings because they aren't on my list!
Happy Quilting and thanks to Bonnie for the OK! Tracey

Post Script: I was also in the mood for a change of scene on my blog, what do you think-I'm trialling it so see how I feel. (I was hoping it would give me back the 'post title' section!


  1. Ooooh very nice background, it makes your photos really pop. Congrats on the Maverick club, I have no idea what it is, but it sounds like a big deal.

  2. Congrats on becoming a Maverick! You fit right in! I absolutely LOVE what you did with your HSTs yesterday. Sheer Genius! Gotta try that sometime...

  3. Welcome to the Mavericks. I like your new background.

  4. Welcome aboard Tracey!! I'm looking forward to getting to know you through your posts!I love your sense of humor! :cD



Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!