Sunday, March 18, 2007

A busy weekend ...of non-sewing!
Rock-pooling in Warrnambool yesterday and trekking through the Mt. Eccles National Park today on the Church Picnic. The days are starting with an Autumn nip in the air but coming out sunny, so lovely days for getting out and about.
On Friday I sewed my strings together. I was mainly doing it to keep track of them and was planning on making it bigger. But after looking at it, and in discussion with my quilting friend, Helen, I think I have decided to add a few borders and call it quits for risk of it getting too busy and lost.
For the borders I'm thinking the plain homespun red that you can see in the centre square and perhaps something in the goldy yellow line, you'll probably get a look tomorrow.
Still on the book theme from the last few posts. I have received a lot of emails and comments about my new books so I thought I would share my favourite. It is edited by Margret Aldrich, and that is all you need to put in your search engine to get her full quilting range. It has excerpts from the likes of Jennifer Chiaverini novels, as well as humorous little quilting stories and historical quilting details. All with heaps of pictures. My sister gave it to me a few year/s ago but I saw it was still available when I ordered it's companion one (for my husband to give me for Christmas!) Consider yourself tagged if you have a great book about quilting to share, but I don't think we are really meant to show interior pics due to copyright. Would that be correct? What I am doing is fine, as it is for the purpose of a review.
Should get at least 2 days at home this week , expect to see the heartstrings as a top and my niece's tractor one started. Have a great day, Tracey


  1. The Once Upon A Quilt book looks like one I would enjoy reading too. I'll have to be on the lookout for that one. Living in the northern hemispere and having fall in October makes the idea of fall beginning now an odd concept. My mind needs to learn to stretch! Smile! :D

  2. Looks like you and your family had a wonderful time! I love your string quilt. That's something I haven't tried yet, although I see them all over the blogs. I'm drawn to yours more than most because I like the fact that you've used a controlled color scheme instead of the brights I see elsewhere. Nice!

  3. Fall is such an enjoyable time of the year - whether it's March or October. It's my favorite *s*

  4. Fall is my favorite season too! Loved the rockpooling picture. The water just glistens!

  5. Oh the beach pics looks wonderful! So much fun! I"m loving your string quilt too! I"m just having so much fun with strings!

  6. Looks like you had a goof time! Love your quilting

  7. Looks like the kids were having a nice time at the beach. What fun!

    So how big is your string quilt? I think the colors are great.


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