Sunday, March 25, 2007

A bit of play
So pleased that I am not the only one who makes those mistakes (Note to self: buy 5 unpickers and have them strategically placed as fixing that rip is harder than it looks!)
Only had half an hour to spare in the sewing room and, as the ripped string top has been placed in the "Thanks for calling-I'll get back to you" basket (as against the "too hard" basket)- I thought I would just find stuff that annoyed me and cut it up!
Hence the coming photos.....
I found a few HST's that just didn't fit when I made my big HST stash quilt....they were ugly, not necessarily full of ugly fabric but joined up to be not quite right in colour.
Now, I am about to describe something that was a new idea to me, as I don't follow patterns and only look at magazines, etc for ideas. So all of you out there who are probably about to say that you always do it this way will just have to cope!
Look what happened when I decided to cut my HST's in half. (I was in too much of a hurry to iron...)
.........And then played around with the resulting units achieve a far more interesting array of blocks than when they were just HST's these.....and this.

I think I may actually sew a few of them together, when I decide which way I like them, and then I will know where they are for next time I am in a mad cut stuff up mood!


  1. I reckon this is the best bit of quilting - the endless possibilities! Have fun with it.

  2. Looks like you've been having fun....

  3. That's gorgeous - I've never seen this arrangement before. Nice and scrappy and as Lily said ... endless possibilities.

  4. ooh, that hurts to see the rip across the fabric in your quilt top. [note to self: use seam ripper, don't just yank]
    those cut up pieces are looking like loads of fun, so glad something positive is happening over there.

  5. Hey, now that looks like a lot of fun *s*


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