Monday, February 05, 2007

Hi, an unofficial post here so you know that the computer is turning itself off AGAIN and has to go back in and meet thy maker! So I may be offline for a few days. I'm telling you because it is a little worrying when someone just disappears, ie, has anyone heard from Hedgehog since Dec.26th?

Answer to my little quiz question-this is my bulb flowering, an amaryllis belladonna or n*ked l*dy, because the flowers come long after the foliage has died away. These are my kind of plants-you see them dotted around paddocks where 60 years or more ago there was a house. They may be the only indication left but they refuse to give up. I like their style! They also remind me a little bit of why I make quilts because the idea that my work leaves a little bit of colour and a lasting reminder of me long after I am gone appeals. Cheers, tracey


  1. Your amaryllis is gorgeous! Sorry to hear about the computer trouble, we will be waiting for you to come back!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous flower, it's so perfect! As for the computer woes, OMG, I'd be breathing deep into a paper bag rightabouts now, so I admire your composure. Hope it all gets sorted quick smart.

  3. has anyone heard from Hedgehog since Dec.26th?

    No, & I have been wondering the same thing...

  4. Naked Ladies *s* My mom and I used to point them out to The Princess in various yards around town. She would just become so frustrated over the tease. Little girls are so funny.

    Hope your computer issues are solved and you are back in fine form quickly.

  5. I haven't heard from Hedgehog either since then and she's usually a regular commenter on my blog.

    Hope your computer problems get sorted out.

  6. I was right!!! It was an Amaryllis. Ask me about a quilt block and I might not know the answer, but ask me about a flower and I have a pretty good chance of knowing the answer! Score one for me!!!

    By the way, I love your strings. I think both settings are pretty. Can't wait to see how they turn out.

  7. The color is GORGEOUS! And I'm not much of a pink calls my name! We will miss you! Hurry back!

  8. Beautiful flowers. Maybe we should start calling you naked lady? I like the sentiment though - leaving quilts to brighten up the world after we are gone.
    Sorry for your computer trouble - hopefully it gets cleared up quick.

  9. Hope you are up and running again soon. It is really weird seeing an Amaryllis growing in the ground! Over here they are grown in pots which, in this house, get knocked over by cats.

  10. Hope you are back online quickly. I too have been wondering about Jen (Hedgehog). I emailed her but no response.

  11. Hope the computer problems are soon over. That's a beautiful plant. The flowers are very cheerful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on why you quilt and on how this plant stays on in the paddocks.

  12. Hi Tracey, absolutely gorgeous Amaryllis!!
    I'm way behind in reading, but I did sort of catch your gratitudes quilts..a winner for sure!
    And I love that you are doing quilts from shirts. For me, it's sooo much about the making do, even tho we have such abundance..*VBS* I like the Second Chance Quilt idea...*VBS*
    Great pics of the kids, soooo cute. Love the outfits. Hugs, Finn


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!