Monday, January 08, 2007

Back from the beach and back on track!

Feeling great today, and not just from a few days at the beach! The junior workers and I went mad on the house today, they are presently resting! I made lists and worked on both of their motivations-money for DS and DVD's for DD (as in I took away the right to watch them until the work was done-and she got $ per job.) We even got all of Christmas packed away, which is always sad. Here is dear tabitha kitten illustrating how much a part of the family she now is, she had to "help" too!

The beach was great, it is at Warrnambool, on the Victorian Coast, right at the bottom of Australia. A great seaside town that really takes off in the Summer. It was my hometown and there is always something special about going to the beach there, really feels like Summer. The kids seem to have inherited this beach gene, it certainly wasn't from their father who doesn't even like sand between his toes.

A lot of photos taken but most more personal than postable, here is one of my DH showing me in unarguable terms that he does not want his photo taken...and yes the camera did recover.

I managed to get a feed of my favourite meal as well. Gently fried abalone. If it looks good let me only add that with a little vinegar it tasted even better. When I was younger and Mum was SCUBA diving I thought everyone lived on this all Summer. How wrong I was!The weather was very hot and muggy while we were there and just as I was about to start chasing the kids towards the car to come home the heavens let loose with almost an inch of rain (at once) and thunder and lightning. I ended up right in it, in the bathers, digging a trench around the annexe but it still managed to seep through. Added to the holiday adventures.

When we were finally able to leave I snapped this at the breakwater, love the rolling clouds.

Update:After extensive searching I found some purple for the HST quilt for DN, I put it together a little more tomorrow but will hopefully have more progress to show next post. Cheers, Tracey

Joy in daily living.

A house back under control, the beach, happy laughing children, coming home.


  1. Wow, what a busy day! I know the rain was probably welcome, but why doesn't it every choose to fall where it's needed, and not all at once? =)

    Love your pictures!

  2. Yummy - I'm a coastal girl too and had abalone when I was growing up. It's not available any longer. Irresponsible people dwindled the supply and now it's gone. It was good while it lasted *s*

  3. Abalone has become a real treat here.
    We had some last year on a camping/fishing trip. It is horrendously expensive if you can even find it!
    Since you are such a wonderful quilter could you take a peek at the quilt I posted and offer your advise for displaying it (if you have any suggestions!)

  4. hooray i'm finally able to leave a comment. I've been having trouble for the past couple of days with your blog.

    Anyway, glad you had fun in Warrnambool. I love Warrnambool and would love to go back again for a visit. It's only a 2.5 hour drive away.

  5. Oh what a wonderful time it sounds you had. And how cute is tabitha!

  6. Welcome back. Glad you had a good time at the beach.

  7. your dh throwing the snowball at you is so funny! Sounds like something my dh would do. :c) Thankfully I don't have to worry about getting hit - we don't have snow in SE Texas. ~Bonnie


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!