Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Only 6 more sleeps!
A dozen mums and associated children due here tomorrow for a pool Christmas party. Should be baking, cleaning and painting Millie's dollshouse but I ended up in town all morning trying for a doctor appointment. This time it is actually the boy! His eye was all swollen closed and red when he woke up, it's some kind of infection of the eyelid-all I know is that everyone up the street gave me funny looks. I'm not sure I'll take him out again until his suspicious face is healed!

Watched Polar Express for the first time yesterday-how fantastic is that show! Kids are now thoroughly convinced that elves are checking on them through CC Tv!

Plenty of photos today. My girl and her Advent calendar, made about 2002. this is one of the highlights of the year here and starts being asked about in about August. Her brother is exactly the same about his and it is doing wonders for his numbers, addition and subtraction as he approaches the big day.

A few decorations.

My girl drew this Angel a few years ago in the fabric pencils, I then backstitched around the edges and turned it into a very special decoration.

The wreath started out as the leftover HST's of a christmas table runner. It got finished, the table runner is one of my rare UFO's. I've left it slightly rough as the ideas just kept popping in my head for how it could look and when I got it to this point it told me it was done!

My little niece finally had her Santa sack finished and took it home yesterday after a visit. I think I like that way of closing them up the best.

Thoroughly enjoying not having to get up for the bus, feeling very rested even with people due over and the house not quite done.-they're all friends, they'll cope with what they are given!


  1. Maybe you need to get the lad an eyepatch if you need to take him out in public! Nice that you feel calm (it just came out as clam) and rested so close to the Big Day. Tomorrow I will be returning the one present I have bought, and buying the rest. Good luck to me. I am 'too' calm. How about the cricket then? Took the poor Pommies 16 years to get the Ashes back, then lost them after 15 months...

  2. Sorry to hear that you are having more health problems at your house. Hopefully everyone will be well by CHristmas. I love the Christmas bag. So cute.

  3. Wasn't Polar Express a fun movie. I love how you finished the drawing your daughter did of the angel.
    Have fun at your pool party. Our temps are below freezing here today!

  4. Your Santa sacks are so cute. Do you use them in lieu of gift wrap or are they the equivelent of our stockings?

  5. What lovely photo's - what wonderful memories you have. The Santa sack is cute and your Advent calendars are quite obviously a hit with your children. You have me thinking about doing one for my kids - I have a lovely paper pieced pattern. All your plans for pool parties and such are bringing back a lot of memories for me .... I grew up in South Africa so Christmas and New Year was usually spent around the pool with BBQ.

  6. Hi Tracey, I love all the homemade variety of christmas decorations..each is so special..*VBS*
    Always sorry to hear of any eye problems. Hope it was only something minor. Hugs, Finn

  7. I love that Angel that your daughter drew. Very sweet. That gift bag is marvelous. Usually I don't think "pool" when talking about Christmas, but now that I'm in Florida it makes sense for me too! Enjoy the holidays.

  8. Tracey! I finally got back to you. Thanks for leaving the blog addy. I kept thinking it was your e-mail addy and tried to add .com, .net, .au - nothing worked. Just this morning dawned on me that it might be your *blog*! LOL! If only hackers had so much trouble, eh?

    Your Christmas goodies are great, and I'd love to see what your daughter looks like now. They grow so fast!

  9. Love all the projects you shared! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! (I love Polar Express too)!


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