Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hold that kitten!

We may have had Yoda's first sighting since going missing a fortnight ago. Just as the daughter is choosing names for a potential kitten, BIL reports that a cat closely resembling the fugitive's description was seen running across our road and up our drive late at night a few days ago. Hmmm it is starting to look a little like the good side (Yoda) was overpowered and banished by the dark side (General Grievous). We will just see how tough General grievous is after his little imminent operation! Revenge for Yoda will be sweet but perhaps only last until we can catch him long enough for his own little cosmetic procedure!

First pic is of a little box of fun I picked up for a few dollars. It's about 70 basted hexagons and I thought it may be a good start for a Grandmother's flower garden, unfortunately they are all slightly irregular hexagons so I have just had a little play and am thinking of ideas for them.

The next is what happens when you stand beside a pool all day in your thongs (or flip-flops?)Looks like I still have them on. From now on I'll remember the sunscreen should go everywhere!

Last picture is courtesy of my quilting friend, Chris.
She has used a variety of hand dyed fabrics and quite a simple block design to create a stunninf feature quilt. She purchased some of the fabrics and some were a result of a group dying day lead by Sue. I'll have to dig up a pre-digital pic of a quilt I made from the hand-dyed as well. I had been meaning to draw the block layout and she kindly let me photograph it and share it with you. Chris thinks it was an Australian P&Q magazine that the idea was in.

Today's handy idea from "the 15 minute organizer", buy a timer and time jobs, especially those you hate. Then you may find it's only a 3 minute job that you are stewing over and putting off. Also profit from the precious minutes wasted while you wait for someone or something-you can achieve a lot in a few minutes. Maybe I'll start cleaning the office while waiting for Blogger to upload photos because that seems to take longer and longer!

Off to paediatrician tomorrow, hope we start getting somewhere.

Joy in daily living today-
-Australia's amazing win against England in the second cricket test. right down to the wire!
-swimming sports organized and over.
-Books for babies program officially launched and on- the- go now.
-possible action for my girl
-3 clucky chooks that should bring Christmas chickens.


  1. Don't ask me why half this post is huge and red-Blogger works in mysterious ways! tracey

  2. you can have a lot of fun with those hexagons. Seems like there is a hexagon fever in blogland now.

  3. We used to call those sandals thongs too. When I was substitute teaching in Grade 6 I said don't wear thongs on the field trip. The girls roared with laughter because to them thongs are teeny tiny panties. The boys with sisters laughed and the others looked puzzled. Lol. Now I always call them flip flops.

  4. So hard to remember that it's a hot hot summer elsewhere in the world. Careful with that sunscreen. Sorry to hear that the kitty has gone on a walkabout. hopefully he'll be home and happy soon.

  5. You have quite a happy start with your hexagons. Enjoy them -- I find them quite addictive.

    In the handy tip dept -- If I have some tasks that I just don't want to do, I assign them a number, then roll dice. Whatever number is the job I have to do. It's a little silly, but sometimes silly is just what's needed to push me to finish dreaded tasks. In a day or two all the work is done and I had a fun game.

  6. You got quite the burn with your thongs (and yes I still call them that!)
    It must be quite warm there. We have sun, but it's chilly here.

  7. Hi Tracey, your hexs are looking good! And what a neat way to organize them. I'll have to keep that in mind. I tend to stack things in box, but then you can't see what you have to work with.

    Neat feet too! LOL...and Chris's quilt is really a pretty one. I think tesselations are alot of fun, but sure do take planning. Hugs, Finn


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