Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Christmas Break-up you have when you have no intention of breaking up!

Just home from a wonderful afternoon at Quilter's. We ate great food, exchanged our Chris Cringle presents, said good-bye to two dear friends and generally talked our heads off! The funny thing is we fully intend catching up over the summer break as we couldn't go 2 months without quilting-so I should just call it a Quilter's lunch.

I took photos of everything and I will post as many as possible today and any that wont load can go on tomorrow.

The first photo is of our entire group, at Chris' home.( Now, my darling Quilting girls, I confessed about my blog today, so you can look at these photos and then forget I ever told you!! )

Sue (aqua top) and Ruth (black cardigan) are both moving to new pastures so we made them the 'Fruits of the Spirit' wallhangings I told you about a few posts ago.

Here are Sue and Ruth with their gifts.
We each did one or two blocks and surrounded them with a red type fabric then sewed them together last weekend.

Sue has actually been gone for a few months; a new love, new life and job in Melbourne, but she had to come back for this farewell. She has been getting a few good ideas on her travels and bought us all some little departing gifts. These were far too cute not to post. They are all quite simple, inexpensive ideas that looked fabulous.

In case it's hard to see, there are little Christmas cookie cutters with fabric folded in them, Christmas candle holders with rolled fabric poking out of the candle holes, little treasure boxes with folded fabric inside, little Santas and stockings filled with rolled fabric and bead containers filled with fabric. they all looked fabulous and would not be difficult for any of us to make. She said you can get an amazing amount of fabric folded in these gifts. Mine are the candle holders. Sue was also my Chris cringle and I got some wonderful christmas fabrics but I will not test blogger by trying for a 6th photo today.

Some updates.

- more test results due for my girl again tomorrow. She has had a reasonable weekend and enjoyed her afternoon at the babysitter today.

-Yoda the cat has still not returned and it is looking serious-which means talk of a kitten has begun. Oh no, not again!

-Gratitudes is fully finished, all tied. I think I may add a bit of machine to help the tying hold-it's very big.

Joy in daily living today-

*my wonderful friends.

*a good weekend for my girl

*hub due back tomorrow already

*a quilt finished, tied and bound.

Cheers, Tracey


  1. Looks like a fun afternoon filled with friends and goodies, too *s*

  2. It all looks like wonderful fun!!


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