Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's all about the gratitude!

Not really sure that I can fully express my joy in daily living today, but after 6 days of constant stomach pains, my daughter got off the couch yesterday afternoon, put on clothes and headed out to throw the ball to Archie (whose joy was only tempered by my own!) She stood up straight, she smiled and said I'm better! Then cleaned her cubby, tidied her little "nest" in the loungeroom and after her brother came home she even went kite flying! I honestly don't know how parents of children with serious long term illnesses manage, (I don't even want to say the "c" word) we've only had 3 weeks of tummy pains and it's terribly hard not being able to fix their hurts. There is of course the chance it will come back again in a few days, but we're praying this is not the case.

She even has the neighbors over at the moment and is playing dress-ups, ABBA dance party and making necklaces like there is no tomorrow!

So, I too, played this afternoon- I was flat out yesterday as I had the Church Ladies here for a coffee morning and trading table this morning and things had to look ship shape. Once again my little chooks sold out, almost as quick as my Hedgehog slice! Last night was a Church dinner, for the parents of School aged children. It was great, I had to go by myself as Hub is harvesting but shyness has not so far been an issue so that was fine.

Then this afternoon, I picked up the neighbors to please my little darlings then supervised from the sewing room-to please me! Thought I had better finish something- so George will get his baby blanket tomorrow, it is actually straight, it's just the photo's wobbly! I have decided to make Judy's gratitide to a double or bigger size and as I am overburdened with scraps and under burdened with the other fabrics, I made another 8 blocks today. As you know I didn't choose the sashings until the blocks spoke to me. Well, they're speaking but it is in 2 different languages. I'm not sure how good the colours will look on the photo but left is paler, right is deeper. Please be good little fairies and say what you think while I am busy sleeping! Hub's away so even his advice isn't available. A couple more sewing room photos if Blogger is in the mood. One is off the material storage section of my shelves that is built slightly shallower and faces away from the windows. This is really only the major sorted things. There are many of those plastic boxes you saw last post that are filled with large coordinating pieces and many other tubs full of scraps and strips. These should be sorted but it is just so much fun to dive your hand in a scrap tub and not know what treasure you will find. Enjoy your weekend, we're off to throw a snag on the barbie!


  1. I like the fabric on the right. The color looks a bit more intense in the photo and it sets off the squares better in my mind.

  2. I would choose the right fabric -- seems I always favor the darker colors *s*

  3. My vote is for the right more intense fabric. There's a "pop" to the colors. Looking forward to seeing what you decide.

  4. your blocks for the Gratitude quilt look great. I also vote for the fabric on the right.

  5. Hi Tracey, have to say I LOVE your colors for the gratitude blocks!! You are coming right along on them...!!! I've read down as far as the egg money...great blog! Hugs, Finn

  6. I like them both, but the one on the right has more pizazz.


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